Yoga I am divine I am connected poster


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Why bloody call it “meat” think up a name for it rather than giving it credit for being something already suited to the name & taste. Mmmmmeat!. It’s a very narrow angle and not an essential part of a vegan diet. Rather like saying ‘it’s international women’s day: let’s talk about manicures’.. Sure! What I’m waiting for the most is lab-grown tuna, for sashimi that surely won’t have mercury.. Absolutely not! Science never replicates nature. It may have the appropriate mix of proteins, fats, and carbs, but something essential will be lacking, or something harmful will be added. Animal waste is essential for good soil health. Proper grazing t… See More. Gonna be a hard sell, and expect increasing resistance with age. It’s an odd thing, being a person who has always been very disconnected from the supply chain yet still being grossed out by the idea of lab meat… It won’t matter to folks if they are i… See More

Yoga I am divine I am connected poster

Yoga I am divine I am connected poster A1

As long as it tastes good and is good for us, then I’m all for it. Same thing with vegetarian food, I don’t mind it at all as long as it has lots of flavor. To grow cells in the lab, you need to use the fetal bovine serum, so still you must sacrifice the animals to grow this kind of meat. Some companies are working on ways to avoid this step but atm technology is not there yet. I’m afraid it’s not animal f… See More. Yup. Really hoping in my old age I would have a pot of beef growing on my window along with tomatoes and herbs. How healthy is meat from industrial farms? A laboratory created protein product would probably be much safer more sanitary and less disturbing than one from the feed and. slaughterhouse Play GIF GIPHY. The highly processed nature of it and the fact that it’s just a chemical slurry designed to appeal to our unsophisticated taste buds is so unappealing, I’d rather eat nothing than that. It’s not healthier for you. Wait a few years before the cancer fro… See More

Yoga I am divine I am connected poster

Yoga I am divine I am connected poster A2

Foregoing all context and nuance for hate just leaves you very unhappy and always wrong. But they do it to themselves so I’m not all that bothered by their unhappiness.. How dare you value yourself when the populist right knows you don’t deserve it.. Well said, but he made a few irrational conclusions, probably based on his racist, personal views of the world.. He’s right the radical left created the alt-right. Stop the racial identity crap on both sides please.. Stop the binary politics. The Ted Talk I’ve been waiting for .. Sounds like he had more to say.. “Public intellectual”?. Everyone gets called terrible things on the internet.. I don’t know what happens in this world really.. Nikoz Philips ahhhhh…good ol’ fashioned science. I thought it was kobe. I guess i really miss him . Excellent!!!!!. Advance to 9:44 to hear the rest once you’re there.. Boring. undercover?. He had a really good thing until he asserted that the left demonizes everyone white. Pretty sure Biden’s white. Not sure how the left demonizes white people and then decides to put forth said demon as their top man. Your theory has some…. flaws.

Yoga I am divine I am connected poster A3

Nah I’m good! I feel like that would give more leeway to giving in if I was out and didn’t have that available. Plus tbh, I don’t like how it tastes anymore. Kinda makes me gag.. If they can grow actual meat in a lab without a conscious being needed in the process, I’d try it.
But things like Impossible Burger and Beyond Meat are absolutely not for me. Both cause me a good deal of physical distress. I will never try another me… See More. What my concern would be, is how ‘healthy’ would be. Most of the cultured meats, veggieburgers, Beyond burger, etc. seem to be just as meat when it comes to the amount of fat in it and they usually contain a lot of sugar as well. Cultured meat doesn’t … See More. Does it taste good? Is it similar in texture? Does it have the imperfections of meat?
I mean, can you lab grow me a whole brisket with the two separate muscles and all that luscious fat? … See More

Monoculture (agriculture) has had a far greater impact on the destruction of habit and loss of species on the planet (on land) than livestock production. How animals are cared for truly matters, but, if ethics and sustainability are the primary consid… See More. To be clear, a concentrated feedlot is far closer to the scary laboratory stereotype than it is to a farm stereotype. If you’re willing to eat the meat of a cow who spends its life wandering through a communal toilet, then you could surely eat that gro… See More. Hell no, there are perfectly good meat made naturally and if this is not available, grass fed or 100% meat with no hormones.. If the suffering of millions of animals can be avoided, they got my full support!. It’s odd that people don’t think farms are labs.. I find it interesting that some people think this is gross yet they don’t think eating a dead animal is gross.