Children couple There are places I’ll remember all my life through poster


We know you promised, we also know you didnt prioritize it. Children couple There are places I’ll remember all my life through poster Is Trump going to deduct this on his taxes? I would like to hear which the President prefers in the Georgia Senate race between Collins and Loeffler? I would like to vote for the one he prefers. He is not responsible for the whole world having the virusthink about it what would you have done in a mess like this…no one knew what to do….

Children couple There are places I’ll remember all my life through poster

Children couple There are places I'll remember all my life through poster A1

strange that everything he does is 100 million Children couple There are places I’ll remember all my life through poster There’s no one in my neighborhood that got such a box You all didnt invent farmers helping out. Stop acting like you invented this. Farmers have done this since the beginning of time. Kuanhung Chen is a liberal plant. I know at least 5 people you received food from 3 dif places & got a whole box full of veggies & fruits. The farmers got paid & the people got food it was a WIN WIN

Children couple There are places I’ll remember all my life through poster

Children couple There are places I'll remember all my life through poster A2

It was the leadership” in Ohio that closed all those small businesses
It’s a amazing how his policies have affected the whole world
You arent even trying to not look self serving. Not “we did this for the American people.” Just we did this for “Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, or Florida. Too little and too late. This administration has been a self serving …
We wouldn’t need all those loans if our Governor would just open up the state! Ohio is losing small business and no one seems to care, particularly Mike Dewine and Jon Husted!

Children couple There are places I'll remember all my life through poster A3

Too bad the president doesnt support food programs with his taxes.
My mother received a box inside was 4 cucumbers 4 onions and 6 carrots and 2 squash…lol
Too bad Trump doesnt pay any taxes to help fund these programs like the rest of us peasants do.
There’s 300 million americans and they eat 3 times a day. You actually would have accomplished more by just paying your taxes.
200 thousand dead and you have done nothing. Those deaths are on your hands. Shame on you.

The program made since and Im glad the farmers worked with the Ag. Commission to get it done.
And just what have Joe Nd the Demos done for these families. They do not care about the American families. So sad
RE Debate:: Which Socialist programs do trump & his supporters dislike so much?? Social Security, Medicare, Public Education, the Public Highway System. Or How about the Agricultural Subsidies that were necessitated by tr…