Social Distancing Greetings Classroom Poster



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More Slaves today in the World that previously – 45 million slaves today – in China, Pakistan, N. Korea, Nigeria, Congo, Russia, Philippines. Too bad sections of your indestructible border wall were toppled by high winds. You must be so embarrassed.

  • Distracting from another funeral he was banned from. Like seriously, who gets banned from funerals?!?!
  • I love the United States very strongly. T / T Trump’s job touched everyone. so let’s all vote for Trump for another 4 years. if you can do it for the rest of your life. because only Trump has dared to say dare to do and stand up to chase the army prowling steals the brain of America for so many years. Now we stand up to unite and regain justice. Trump is great in everyone.
  • When are you going to stop sticking your head in the sand and admit that this virus is overwhelming this country and we nedd to reset? You cannot send kids back to school until we have numbers down and effective testing and tracking. Why do you refuse to help make this happen?
  • Do you want to lose to Biden? If you don’t tackle this virus and reset this country to get numbers down, that is what will happen. When you have bodies being dragged out of hospitals in refrigeration trucks, as is happening in Texas, you have a major issue happening. Deal with it!

Bet it’s killing dump that Mr. John Lewis is taking all the air time from him. Love how the black caucus woman told him to keep his mouth shut during this time. Oh Snap!

Almost every Democrat politician is cheering anarchy, supporting releasing dangerous prisoners, and treating the police and lawful citizens like criminals.

With this letter, I am requesting a scientific investigation into their multi-billion dollar company.
Since NASA is a space agency and deals with satellite technologies and is the largest corporation in the world, I am writing to you on this specific matter via my private social media account. I assume that for some inexplicable reason I perceive a certain radio wave sequence that enables me to hear a supernatural satellite radio frequency.

Social Distancing Greetings Classroom Poster