Dachshund Dog Sitting On Toilet Poster



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Stay blessed Soldier of Jesus. Mr Trump President of America. Indeed God is enough for you. In the name of Batool Queen of Heaven In the name of blood of Hussaina In the name of blood of Jesus.  no one changed any rules that didn’t apply to both sides in an effort to keep pressure and suppression away from vote counters. This is a lame attempt to appear impartial but really it is a whining session.

Well, one state is counting more votes than they have registered voters, so yeah, fraud. And 138,000 votes don’t just show up for one candidate, the one that is losing, in the middle of the night. there isn’t a problem with a recount. I encourage it. Every vote matters and should be correct. Are you afraid?

  • DAH! That is NEW registered voters! Not total registered voters! OMGF I saw the same thing dude…. Stop trying to make things fit your false facts. One process, one day of votes in, poll watchers for both parties welcomed.
  • No hiding ballots and opening of ballots. No putting them in personal cars during the counting. I hope all the voters in Arizona that were instructed to use the wrong implement sue to have their votes counted. The machines kicked them out since the wrong implement was used. FRAUD.
  • Don’t think so I will pass on that as outsider that looks for facts I do not look at MSM .I only look for truth. Not at all if it was fair election! Is not! Biden is corrupt as he’ll! These mail in ballots are the cheats! Dems started covid! Do you work? Live off the government?

He will attempt to destroy America before he admits defeat. He not only hates America, he hates the very people who voted for him. His cult of sycophants. YES, it’s called a fair election where ALL votes are counted. I know this is a foreign concept for him. Fairness, versus what he’s used to doing to get his way-cheating, bullying and lying.

Dear President Trump. Always remember that the silent majority is cheering you on. God made you a fighter. Perhaps for such a time as this. Go out and fight. Not for you. But for all of us. You are fighting for freedom.truth. religion. Life. Dignity. Fight the evil that seeks to destroy this land.

I believe you meant win dumbass but that’s par for your kind ! Your correct about winning the election but it will be Trump who prevails! Damn Right and in Wisconsin too?? How does Wisconsin have more people vote than registered?? And thos extra votes were all for Biden??

You said all the mail in votes have gone to trump that’s not true so yes that’s false information what you posted showed trump having 2,200,902 votes now he has 300,000 more so they did indeed raise. I didn’t say anything like that….it’s quite the opposite all Mail in is going too Biden Apparently…Barely any for Trump…I am sure they are throwing out Trump votes..They have already done it before the election.

Dachshund Dog Sitting On Toilet Poster