Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved puerto rico poster


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This group of people are a minority when compared to the entire population Why give them all this attention? The media are so good at manipulating the masses by fabricating mountains out of molehills… Surprised that Ted would go down this road. Lucky there are a lot of alternatives to TED on the net. TED needs to have a guest the talks about how people park their life in the lane of victim-hood .. Every ” so called christian” needs to read this. Remember the greatest of all is love.. I see a lot of people here stopped reading at the title and decided to be angry about it.. They come in the form of ‘woke’. Hate has many sources. Sometimes it is a matter of people being different. Often it is from this idea that if you suffer…. it is all because of ______. At different points in time that blank has been filled in as blacks…. today we see whites fil… See More

Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved puerto rico poster

Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved puerto rico poster A1

LIVES MATTER…COLOR DOESN’T Play GIF. Having zero accomplishments in life except being white. Thank you for coming to my Ted (cliff notes version) talk.. Any kind of nationalism – and tbh most “-ism”s – comes from inferiority complex. The individual doesn’t think too much about himself so he wishes to be part of something bigger – a nation for example, or a religion – and gives up its individuality. Bec… See More. The 1995 film “Higher Learning” is streaming on multiple platforms for those of you who prefer visual aide examples.. And just released it was actually Iran that was pushing the proud boys narrative…. I don’t really care. Anything that leads someone to hate someone else because of their race or sexuality or religious background because it’s different than theirs is a loser and I don’t care what your story is.. Poverty is the “knee on the neck” for most…and So unnecessary/undeserved…time Now for a more humane/Holistic way for Us All to move forward starting in each community…bringing pressure on those “elected” to actually act on the Will of the people.… See More

Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved puerto rico poster

Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved puerto rico poster A2

Who mocks peoples accent. Are they dealing with 10 year olds??. My accent is a mix of several languages so it isn’t typical of any region. I do not get mocked but I experience microagressions very often.. Hardly anyone, who can speak two or more languages would mock anyone for the accent. In reality they are mocking themselves for their low intelligence.. I enjoy the musicality of English when spoken as a second language. It’s a difficult language with contradictory rules.. You small insignificant people making fun other amazing standout persons. There’s nothing more beautiful than something unlike others. Own it. The best is when a person, who speaks no foreign languages, only his own mother tongue makes negative comments about my accent, and I remind him I speak 4 languages and we are having a conversation in his native language as he would be unable to commun… See More

Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved puerto rico poster A3

Ugh. Next article “TED Talk and their unnecessary decline”
Used to really enjoy these. It’s getting intolerable. You can do better than this ted talk. Stop spreading hate and division.. Honestly there are only two races, those born from male and female and those of them born of God. The latter pursue to make it available to the former to get possibility and right as them to escape the corruption in the nature of the first.. You see, it’s our disconnection from each other. Hatred is born of ignorance. Fear is its father, and isolation is its mother. When we don’t understand something, we tend to be afraid of it, and if we keep ourselves from it, that fear grows, and someti… See More. TED used to be intriguing but has evolved into 100% garbage.. TED sure went downhill when they got political… It used to be a strictly non-political platform at least that was their b******* story

Is it feelings of inadequacy?. Ah yeah, these whites supremacists 99% of us never see outside of movies. That’s what is worrisome for society these days. Then they wonder why they have such a low audience.. “It’s a cook book.” – Twilight Zone ‘How to Serve Man’ or How to teach Recruitment masked as prevention.. We all need our fantasies to make through the day, don’t we ?. What about black supremacy?. All of the people hopping on this comment section and getting offended, why are you taking offense unless you’re racist?. Why are there so many people getting angry about a talk about how hatred and intolerance are groomed and how a broken childhood and abuse can lead to extremism? I don’t get it. Isn’t this a good thing? How is this political? Has humanity and decency be… See More. We need a ted talk about the deception and terrorism of anitifa