HOT Easily distracted by cats and star trek poster


In this context, Jesus told him not to call anyone on the earth “Father” or “teacher” with the intention of assigning himself a authority that depends on God and forgetting the responsibility of that office. No one may replace or occupy these privileges, but must respect the throne of heavenly Father. As Jesus said, only the heavenly Father is the true Father and only the Messiah is the true Teacher. Similarly, Jesus said: “Whoever loves his father or loves his mother more than the Teacher, does not deserve him. Whoever loves his son or daughter more than the Teacher does not deserve him.” (Mt 10:37). Because of his heavenly Father’s right and respect for him, Jesus called his heavenly Father “Father” and taught us to pray “Our Father” (Mt 6: 9-13).

Moreover, Jesus himself used the name “father” to refer to a few characters in his parables: In the parable of the rich man and the poor Lazarus, in the underworld, the rich man cried out: ” Father Abraham, have mercy on me “and the name” father “is mentioned three times (cf.Lk 16: 19-31). One must ask itself: if Jesus forbids the use of the name “father”, why does he teach the people in the parable in which the characters call it? So it seems contradictory and may even cause misunderstandings for the listener. This name is also recorded in the parable of the prodigal son: When he returned, the prodigal son said, “Father, I am guilty to God and to you.” (Lk 15: 11-32) Based on God’s way of using the name “father” in many teachings, including repeatedly repeating the fourth commandment, the Lord does not intend to ban a father by his name professing “father”; rather, He forbids abuse of this title.

We use that name in the usual way: We call those who teach us and teach others “teachers”; our father is “father”; and Judeo-Jewish leaders are “rabbi (masters).” Especially in the religious sense, those who serve the Lord and in his power are called teachers, fathers, especially priests, they must take care of earnestly, humbly and generous pastoral fulfillment. Using this right to exalt is pure hypocrisy. Jesus said at the end of the passage ‘hypocritical scribes and scribes’: “Who flattering himself, will be humbled; And whoever humbles himself will be exalted. ”


Easily distracted by cats and star trek poster
Easily distracted by cats and star trek poster