Teacher god found some of the strongest women poster


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Always love a picture of you David, but also love the fact there is dust on your treadmill control panel . undefined. Awesome! Heading out to climb a mountain. I have more incentive now . Such an inspiration you are . still fit and always strong. . why have I got this man on my newsfeed. Teacher god found some of the strongest women poster. Don’t even like the tattoo’ed poser . I remember watching you play in one of your first England games against the Czechs and I said to my brother I’ve never seen anyone run so much. Love the song in the background. Keep it up fella, good work, not sure you need the hat to keep warm though . Could watch this all day for some weird reason . You’ve put me in the notion to get on my treadmill, have a great weekend. Legs as good as they were in the 90s. David, You always keep fit, So you always keep looking gentleman style

Teacher god found some of the strongest women poster

Teacher god found some of the strongest women poster A1

The best present on my 18th birthday was your goal against Greece, sadly I missed it as I was completely drunk. I remember the screaming and cheering in the pub I ran round shouting we won the world Cup. . It wasn’t just the goal. That goal topped off a great performance. Teacher god found some of the strongest women poster. You were all over the pitch that day and carried the team, and if you look hard enough you can see the whole nation forgive you about France 98. Still remember that day…. my dad had took me shopping before the game and treated me to a pair of Adidas predators, think I was wearing them in the living room during the game, probably put a dent in the floor when I jumped us as this goal went in . One of my favourite England moments. I still get goosebumps EVERY time I watch it. I’m taken right back to that moment and was running round the house like a loon when it went in

Teacher god found some of the strongest women poster

Teacher god found some of the strongest women poster A2

We are on the way of justice. The Kharabakh war is an ongoing armed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh. This war is one of the most intense battles observed after the ceasefire. We are at war in our own land and everyone knows that Karabakh is Azerbaijan. A… See More. Karabakh isn’t disputable region,stop misinforming international community like this. Based on 4 UN General assembly resolutions,it is integral territory of Azerbaijan and all these operations are conducted in our lands. The question is that why Armeni… See More. World have to see terrorism of armenia and mustn’t stay silent agains that. Armeni attacks civilians in Ganja city which it is far from conflict zone. Enough, don’t be silent, see the facts. Why did you close your eyes? Why did you close your ears? Anyone who supports this terror is a terrorist. When we took back our lands by fighting in our lands (in KHARABAKH) occupied by the armenians for 30 y… See More

Teacher god found some of the strongest women poster A3

That’s right it’s beginning to look like xmas. My son and his best friend made chocolate chip cookies today sing xmas songs.. Diana Diaz if I was there, that icing would not end up on the cookies. Just sayin.. beautiful video …awesome dad ….best parents ever. Love the love this family has for itself.. There’s something so sweet about this!! Love watching men in the kitchen with their little girls.. Remember doing this with my mommy many many years ago made me smile Harper licking her fingers used to love that to . love this. broken biscuits still taste good…bless her..your both smiling. xxx. Love the bond these 2 have its beutiful shes definitely daddy’s girl x. You’re a wonderful dad. They’re lucky to have you. Jean Tomkinson. I was always taught don’t wear your hat in the house. David look at her and talk to her like my husband does to my daughteExactly right – work hard at what you want from life and reap the rewards ,Teacher god found some of the strongest women poster. you are a lovely man and a great ambassador for the game and GB . It is really sad that this is the best memory of the great English team with so many great players and the legendary capitane.. I will remember that moment for the rest of my life! Every single member of my extended family and friends; kids screaming and running around the house! It truly was an amazing feeling that stayed with everyone for such a long time. Thank you David . Remember that moment so well still talk about it all the time I screamed so loud I hurt my throat
coming from your hometown makes it even more special . I remember that goal so well. You have dedicated your life to football and are one of the all time greats. Always loved watching you and you are a tremendous ambassador for the sport and for our country x