Staffie beach life sandy toes sunkissed nose poster


Anna-Maria AthanasiouLove it! My son graduates from High school this year and it’s been surreal thinking he won’t be going back. No last day, no party… this will make him smile!42 . Susie Wallis GloverOur grandson will graduate this year. I was thinking yesterday, his mom was pregnant with him on 9/11/01, he was born in November. These students are definitely special! 21 . Cindy McAnallySo nice of Albert to sign! I’m glad you included good citizenship as a value.46 . Bev SwensonAwww…love that..all those kids who worked so hard to get to this point….and then you come up with this for them!!!!!! You are one awesome, thoughtful guy!!!!46 . Christina FrangouMet with my son’s new teacher, here in London, in the park. Social distancing and all. He won’t be going back to say goodbye and may start his new high school ( secondary) still home schooling.Very hard if you’re an only child too.31  Staffie beach life sandy toes sunkissed nose poster

Product description: Staffie beach life sandy toes sunkissed nose poster

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Molly PorterSending to my grandson the graduate. Feel so sorry for them all. But so happy you and Rita are safely recovered.89 . Mark KaddenThanks Tom. Today, my son Daniel is graduating from the Medical College of Wisconsin(my alma mater) and becomes Daniel Kadden, MD. Next stop, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital for a pediatric residency!49 . Bernadette ShepherdWhy don’t you treat everyone to some Tom , I’ve heard you’re quite fond1.8K . Maggie GallI was a senior this year in Mississippi. We just graduated last week, but with none of our friends. Thank you for doing this! It means a lot when seniors from 2020 are seeing things like this! Especially from an actor we grew up watching as kids!51 . Ez ModzI’m sure you have plenty of sheepskin Most wolves do20 . Carolyn CollinsTom, I had two grandchildren graduate with honors. Broyher and sister both on scolarships. Grandson from Berley in finacne and granddaughter from law school. So proud of them!60  Staffie beach life sandy toes sunkissed nose poster

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