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Natalie Ann MarcheEd you deserve that break you are an amazing artist i love you’re music can not wait to hear more from you when you decide to come back go and enjoy this break!2 . Diane HawkinsHappy break and Happy Holidays to you both! We will miss you but totally understand…we are thankful for the amazing music to listen to until then! 14 . Lyn BrownGoing to miss you Ed , hope you and Cherry have some amazing time together . Have a wonderful Christmas and an amazing New year . Will be waiting patiently for your return .Thank you for all that you do . Have fun .11 . Lisa VanceThank you for all the music! You are amazing. Peace and blessings to you and loved ones during the break. Your fans will be here for you upon your return.14 . Margaret KingAlways a bed for you in Wellington, NZ. One night here with my kids would give you plenty to write about 11  Sporting cp stan smith shoes

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Fantastic Ed, I’ve registered my son, we look forward to finding out more in the spring xx. What an amazing gesture , you will make some young people in Suffolk so very very happy. Well done you Ed Sheeran.. Hi Ed i used to be the co director of the gig in the park in halesworth i think you played there in 2011 sadly we had to stop the gig in 2013 which was a great loss to the halesworth community and further afield i would love to get it up and running ag… See more. Amazing Ed, I’ve registered my daughter. Thank you for giving so much back to our community x. Merry Christmas and happy new year to Ed Sheeran and to his music crew. I am an big fan in Canada I like listening to your music and looking at your music videos on YouTube.. Music is so important to young people these days especially learning instruments other then game systems…my grandson is 13 and has learned 5 different Instruments already and has won some school awards. Sporting cp stan smith shoes

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