Some girl are just born with texas in their souls poster


He’s trying to punish his ‘subjects’ but forgot he’s not a king, and we will vote him out. November can’t come soon enough.. The fact that trump is more concerned about his supreme court nominee, speaks loud and clear to me, he doesnt care about the economy, and definitely doesn’t care about the American people.. Keep up the good work. Joe everyone needs to read this and really think about who you are voting for.. join in and Ride with Biden and Harris. Nope he’s trying to hold back money unless he wins and he’s trying to jam his BS Supreme Court nominee into a position. Funny, not the actions of a man confident he’s gonna win . The demos will plan a bill with a ton of pork with little to go to the American Citizens. Why not wait a month till after the election. Makes sense to me. Some girl are just born with texas in their souls poster

Some girl are just born with texas in their souls poster

Some girl are just born with texas in their souls poster A1

I want to thank all the farmers in Iowa keep our food safe that comes from your state.I apologize for the terrible president we have for not helping yall.. Looks like trump isn’t doing well in the polls! He is too interested in looking like Macho man!. Lol where do they find these people? . If you really hate Biden so much, then you should be an adult about it and avoid his page instead of throwing hissy fits. Simple as that.. Where the hell were these people in 2016. Get rid of the 87-year-old Grassley. He is a dinosaur just taking up a seat.. Biden . When will the day come when we speak words of honor, make the promise of honesty, and our lives are based on communion with the truth?. How did they not know that he’s a horrid businessman? They’re acting like he hasn’t been a public figure for 40 years. Some girl are just born with texas in their souls poster

Some girl are just born with texas in their souls poster

Some girl are just born with texas in their souls poster A2

Early voting opened today in my state. Im planning on voting during my lunch break, tomorrow!. My vote is in for you Joe! Vote as early as you can.. I enjoyed the quiz! My BFF and I are voting in person early voting starts on October 13 on our 47 wedding anniversary and we are voting for you, Biden!!!!!!!!!. I will vote in person, masked and prepared.. Look, Joe; whatever you do, don’t take any advice from some troll called Marcel Bailly lol.. Dr. Melina Abdullah cofounder of Black Lives Matter made the comments to ABC News in a report about how the Black Lives Matter movement might affect the election. She will not be voting for Biden. We voted from home and took our ballots to city ballot dropbox!. He won’t be honest in the future either.. I voted TRUE BLUE with a mail in ballot that I dropped at a special box at my local Library. I donated more than I can really afford. I hold Biden & Harris in healing, energizing light. Stay strong, we want you in the White House and Blair House.

Some girl are just born with texas in their souls poster A3

Joe will get a better bill in the Spring! Turn the Senate Blue too!. And never will! Its all about him, all the time. His ”show” needs to be cancelled.. What a sad human being we have as the US President. People please VOTE. Chose hope over despair, division and lack of integrity. Choose Biden, he will bring this country together. Will listen to everyone with one single focus, The people of this countr… . My family and I in Virginia have already voted for you. I know Trump has no heart. But I’m beginning to wonder if he even has a soul. Praying for you to be safe and become our President: a leader who will care about all of us.. It has NEVER mattered to him!’. He is going to lose so hard! Mailed off my ballot today Joe Biden! November can’t come soon enough!. I believe he knows he’s going to lose the election and I believe he may have left the hospital early in order to transfer what’s left of the stimulus to Russian bank for his own use after losing the election. Either that or he has already spent all the… See More

He is the devil in a suit!!! Please get out and vote. America can NOT take 4 more years of him and THIS!!!. I cannot wait for you to be our President. Pet your doggies for me. I never trust a president who doesnt love dogs.. You said you are the Democratic Party. Tell Pelosi to take the 1.6T on the table. She needs to stop and put the people first.. Talk about abandoning the electorate. I have NO idea how this would serve this terrible person. We know you wouldn’t do that to us, Joe!. I am directly affected by his attempt at punishing blue states. He is evil and hurting Americans.. How sad that he doesn’t care! It’s crazy how Trumps base is still willing to support him!!! So,so sad!!!. This was a really awful thing to do our neighbors, coworkers, friends, and family. Does he understand some of his own voters are struggling as well? It’s just mind blowing!