Racing car everything will kill you so choose something fun poster


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It’s quite obvious that they don’t know how an HVAC system works.. Thank you. We need so much more help in the states. Thank you for your generosity. I’m terrified to send my son to school. Our state is getting hit hard right now. Our numbers keep going up every day. In addition, that’s for only the people that are lu… See More. Great Thing & Let’s beat this darn Virus or Beast. Common people unite to kill it first, put all the blame away until this Beast is gone!! Joann. Here is where in your upsurge in the covid-19 came from look at all those people standing around screaming and hollering without mask on there you go all these rioters Lueders protesters that don’t have masks on their spreading the s*** don’t they real… See More. To bad they were not prepared for Facebook moving in and driving up the cost of living so bad they became homeless. Wouldn’t that have been something

Racing car everything will kill you so choose something fun poster

Racing car everything will kill you so choose something fun poster A1

Why are you flagging posts for “fact checking” erroneously? It’s really simple to research and find that there are things you’re flagging that are, in fact, true.. What about the response to the crap in the streets?. Third world… Silicon Valley should move to North Europe. Taking a break from trafficking children, are you?. congratulations and thanks for movements of fighting against corona.. I wish you were truthful Mark Zuckerberg. One of your employees collected evidence that you are promoting conservative websites over Democrat ones. And you fired him of course. You continue to work for the trump campaign. Human being was not amaterial ;your aim is now for busnis only I don respect from you.. Seattle, despite everything, has had a good response. I have been tested twice-they are testing like hotcakes! Thanks for the article with the cool pic of Harvey Milk; I love me some Harvey Milk! You’re okay, Zuckerberg, it’s just really hard to be you… See More

Racing car everything will kill you so choose something fun poster

Racing car everything will kill you so choose something fun poster A2

A company that has its own politcal biases should not be given a chance to handle such important part in the electoral process. If people aren’t voting its their choice.. Just go to your poll and vote in person. Election interference by a domestically grown organisation. This is a terrible thing.. mark this is a loophole,and lot of unwanted solutions will pop up. if FACEBOOK is controlled by you… VOTERS also will be and everybody “knows” which side you’re with, then it is just a matter of common sense my friend. Voting is people’s right in a democracy, but rigging should not be taken as right of parties in collusion with authorities,so this year America is testing whether postal ballot system work out or not?. Is Facebook allowed to run this campaign or is this a data collection drive?. Interesting. You never cared about voter information before!?! You are a weasel.

Racing car everything will kill you so choose something fun poster A3

You’re using covid to exploit this voting by mail and if we can put a mask on and go to Walmart or Target or wherever we can get out and go to our nearest polling station and vote in person and I’m so sick of the national media and the Democrats and people like you trying to enforce a crooked process get with the program mark. Please reactivate the temporarily suspended La Luz del Mundo account.
It is a page where those of us who are part of the religion find our official announcements and sermons during the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic.
By suspending the account, you are hindering our right to practice our faith freely, which is truly unfair since we have broken no Facebook rule or regulation.
Those reporting the page are simply doing so due to religious intolerance and that shouldn’t be acceptable.
Please unsuspend the account, so we can continue to access the official information of our overseerers.
Thanks and God bless.

Why are you trying to influence the election? I’m reporting your post. Election interference!!!. Facebook should be ashamed they only cover and allow one side to present on FB and that is the leftist radical, socialists group shame on them.. Mail? Isn’t that corrupt?. If you want information and voting to be fair, stop censoring ideas from the side you disagree with.. Change your algorithm to stop the echo chambers truly tearing this country apart!. You should be prosecuted for muting people they speak the truth about your co- promintents plandemic. You will respond for this biggest terrorism crime against humanity. Your company should be closed and prohibited to even remember ever.. I’m navigating my butt to in person voting with my mask on & ready to social distance as long as need be.. How about you stay in your lane and stay out of Politics all together!. Here comes the line of Fraud Voting applications