Personalized chicken I choose you poster


Izzy BurberryBetter to be safe than sorry, protect your loved ones.16 . Top FanOtoniel CalderonI won’t be flying home to TX from Oregon to be with my family for the first Christmas ever. It’s a small sacrifice to pay to have many more Christmases with them in the future.31 . Lilly JinglesI think cancelling 1 Christmas so you can spend many Christmas’s with all your loved ones is worth doing. 17 . Helen RileyAccept no christmasAccept your loved ones locked up in care homes seeing you through glass (after months of not seeing you at all)Accept your children’s education suffering … See More19 . Richard LiebstWe had Thanksgiving together and we are still having my family Christmas . My mother has lung cancer and she refuses to stay locked in her house away from family.10 . Roy SouthworthFor one day it’s not worth the risk. You can always have a Christmas day special in say July when hopefully it is safer. 3  Personalized chicken I choose you poster

Personalized chicken I choose you poster

Personalized chicken I choose you poster A1

Top FanRob DerryA lot of people are. Scale down this Christmas so that your elderly and vulnerable relatives can have many more. 4 . Top FanAngela GunstoneNever ceases to amaze me how the “do as I want” brigade are ranting again. I just can’t fathom how people do not realise its them, out socialising and doing as they please that has got us into this second mess and restrictions. Surely if people just st… See More161 . Michelle PembertonI’m amazed at how 3 households consisting of 13 people all adults bar one could even think about coming together, I’d rather go out to feed the homeless with ppe on then attend that ! Sadly a lot of people I know family included just don’t see the wide… See More5 . Top FanKyaw Ming LwinWise enough. Christmas can wait. You can enjoy more next year. We skipped our new year water festival in April. To me no big deal at all. As long as I live there will be another new year festival waiting for me. From Burma with love.15  Personalized chicken I choose you poster

Personalized chicken I choose you poster

Personalized chicken I choose you poster A2

Sandra BankuSomeone health is more important than this Xmas festival period… because health is wealth..when is this are over …you can still celebrate this festival … please guys stay safe10 . Duncan StraffordI love my parents enough not to see them this Christmas! 16 . Cheryl JohnsonWhy is it people who choose not to mix are portrayed as some higher level of humanity? We’ve been given an opportunity to make up our own minds & its nobody else’s business what folk decide.6 . Daniel RoddisUnfortunately though, as proven, time and again, common sense is only partially present in our lovely land.10 . Rebecca FosterYes it maybe Christmas on the 25th but it could be celebrated any day if necessary. Just get together afterwards as celebrate as you would’ve? It doesn’t matter. Being well enough does. If you were in hospital because of this,or anything else, you’d ha… See More30 . Lisa ThornhillToo many judgemental folk on here. Some people are sensible and will meet family as they have taken the right precautions before hand. They also may be in their support bubble. Don’t judge others before understanding the facts behind it.11

Personalized chicken I choose you poster A3

Jawad ShahI don’t see a problem with seeing families over Christmas as long as you isolate for 10-14 days before seeing them and you won’t have the risk of spreading anything.3 . Jack KeiranGovernment has never done a better job of tearing the country apart before. They’ve even turned the country against its down disabled people.And you’ve all lapped it up.13 . Alex MartínezIf you never leave the house ever again you will reduce all kinds of risks.16 . Top FanRyan PorterSeeing as they’re relaxing the rules for 5 days over xmas I think its madness that schools aren’t breaking up early. That way you could allow for any infected children to isolate for a good 10-14 days before going to see nanny and Grandad. They’ll be b… See More14 . Wes GranbergIt’s literally just a made-up event for a made-up day on a made-up calender. Celebrate whatever and whenever with whoever25 . Top FanRishabh Kumar PrajapatiGood and wise decision. You can always get together with family or friends when it’s safe.10

Becky SelveyNever even arranged to see family – the virus won’t be having 5 days off.30 . Top FanClair WilsonSo the government says it’s ok to see family but the public are shaming people who want too? If you want to see family go see family if you don’t then don’t but please stop judging others 10 . Robinson K. KorirJust get your entire family vaccinated and go on with the festive plans.8 . Fiona MeldrumDoes anyone think it strange that there have been very few police deaths yet they rarely socially distance at work and until recently were not wearing masks.5 . Linzi Wilkinson-WebbSo grandmas gonna spend her last Xmas on earth alone. 10 . Paul MayleWe decided to postpone until we’ve had the vaccine weeks ago6 . Hans Iandaif christmas for you is dumb shopping and sending meaningless cards… yes. You can cancel. But if You consider Christmas as real Christmas. Celebrating new born Jesus Christ. Then You don’t cancel. You celebrate. As usual dumb bbc at their best.7