Ma soeur c’est comme le café mug


Tudor Watch Thank you for your support 236 . Cherylyn Barnes   · Followcan u get me 1?134 . Fabi Terada   · FollowLove 61 . Apex Shift   · FollowLooking beautiful and on such a beautiful and sunny day AND night I dare say and add that it’s all on top of a mighty heavily finely beautiful planet too as well at that. Sending all my love! 12 . Ulrike GruberSo good to see you…looks like you have a few wonderfull sunny days in Rome..enjoy20 . Jennifer GonczkowskiMy son needs you, he’s afraid to dance and he loves it. He’s my heart, that’s all I’m going to say but my goodness he can dance. This isn’t about anything else but him having the confidence to dance! Thank you2 . Dan KowalskiI’m hoping for things to return to normal so you can have your show in Las Vegas again!2 . Paul SchofieldHope you’re puppies are doing well, and especially the dog walker, he might deserve an promo… 13  Ma soeur c’est comme le café mug

Ma soeur c’est comme le café mug

Ma soeur c'est comme le café mug 2

I’ve never met anyone who leans against a glass wall like that…was that uncomfortable?. I gave you a premature birthday. I realize it’s 3 28 =13 my favorite number. I blame on the Black and white outfit and sexy pose. Thank you Tudor Watch!!!. What’s happening with the concert planned in July at Tottenham??. It’s all about that gorgeous geometric profile and the shiny platinum blonde hair! Love love love. Truly beautiful!. Missing the music. Not missing all the product placement and promotion. Just saying.. YOU POSTED ABOUT YOUR DOGS BEING STOLEN Ma soeur c’est comme le café mug YOU HAD ALOT OF PEOPLE SAYING PRAYERS FOR THEIR SAFE RETURN. You are standing outside of building? Looks scary to me. . And the beautiful shoes and outfit you wore when you sang our national anthem – befitting!!!!. Saw you in Newcastle upon Tyne England. Blew my mind. Can’t wait to see you again xxx. Love from Houston TX

Ma soeur c’est comme le café mug

Ma soeur c'est comme le café mug 1