Gorgeous forest scenery through faux window canvas


I use to like Tom Hanks not now part of the dark side boycott Hollywood. Tom is an American citizen. He has every right to voice his opinion about politics. However this particular post is simply telling people to get out and vote. Good grief . Thank you so very much for encouraging everyone to VOTE, that’s what my father and many others have fought for in the armed forces. Every vote matters ! No vote , no voice.. Thanks for this, Tom! No matter where we land on the political spectrum, we should all care about encouraging people to vote. An engaged electorate is good for the country.. So my initial thought would be that since you have Michele Obama pictured and Tom Hanks as the solicitor so to speak, it is a Democratic pitch. It probably is. Whether that is the case or not, come November, you need to get out and vote. No mail-in vo… See more Gorgeous forest scenery through faux window canvas

Product description: Gorgeous forest scenery through faux window canvas

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The November election will be the most important of our lifetime. We can vote to keep the status quo & go down with the ship & watch our way of life be destroyed by rich, white men who don’t care about anyone but themselves & their cronies. We need t… See more. This is the same thing always done by the Uber left…they try to scoop up the poor and general non voters and promise them hope…only to deliver zero…. Stop using your platform to try and persuade people to vote a certain way.. Did not know that so many people would have a problem with spreading the message that everyone in a free society should be able to vote.. Imagine how pathetic of a human you must be to get so triggered by a picture that you decide you no longer like Tom Hanks over it. How sad and pathetic your small and meaningless life must be. Gorgeous forest scenery through faux window canvas

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