God jesus german shepherd take my hand canvas


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I too bought the Dangerous CD …. amazing ! I listened to it over and over ALL DAY …. not a bad song or even one that I would consider skipping on the CD ! Fantastic job Morgan Wallen !. Bought the double CD the day it was released and listened to it for 6 hours on a road trip. Then listened all the way back home! Thoroughly enjoyed EVERY. SINGLE. SONG.. Great new album! My 15 year old Granddaughter turned me on to your music. We need concerts back so I can take her!. Absolutely my favorite song right now I’m currently going through a divorce so it is very fitting. I’ve listened to all the songs every day for a week that I had a dream of Morgan Wallen last night God jesus german shepherd take my hand canvas and it was just his face. Nothing else. I think I need to take a break, but it’s too good to break from!!!

God jesus german shepherd take my hand canvas

German shepherd take my hand poster A1

Great album for sure. Second best country album in years next to A Rock by Hardy. Congrats. Yolanda Guimond. Best album I’ve heard in years!. My favorite song on the entire album, I crank it up at 4:30am on my way to work each day!!!! You are truly a very talented man!!! . By far the ABSOLUTE BEST ALBUM EVER. My favorite song on the album!. I LOVE Morgan! This new album is . LOVE every song on this album…Play it over and over and over again. Ordered Dangerous Double Album Till I get it I will listen to it on SiriusXM and Amazon love it. Tonimarie Varga. Lynne Murphy. Album has been on repeat since it came out! So great. One of the best albums I’ve heard in a long time!. Megan Favilla. One of my favorites!! This album…omg.. Teresa Self. I’m loving this album. No song is skipped over at all! I’ve listened to it over and over and over. I think the double album was the way to go! You’re amazing Morgan Wallen every song is heartfelt and relatable. God jesus german shepherd take my hand canvas

God jesus german shepherd take my hand canvas

German shepherd take my hand poster A2German shepherd take my hand poster A3