Dragon ball be strong be brave be humble be badass poster


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I personally like this naked rabbit and think just because he does not have hair he is adorable.. He looks like he is made of velvet. I also would have so much fun making clothes. Zebra , dalmatian , printed fabric. .. Loved just as he is -as we should be with humans as well. Nice story.. So cute! It looks like he got a poodle cut is all!. Dragon ball be strong be brave be humble be badass poster. He is adorable. We are all different but need love and acceptance. God Bless you for caring.. Funny how truly innocent and beautiful n unique ones are always rejected in life , unless someone sees their soul energy and their uniqueness…and gives them a chance to live n be themselves. So glad he found a forever home! Love the sweaters. you made. He is adorable!!!!!!!. My Goober got left behind because they said she wasn’t pretty enough to save…she’s been with me ever since that day…

Dragon ball be strong be brave be humble be badass poster

Dragon bal be strong be brave be humble be badass poster A1

I can’t believe someone would leave him behind. Such a cute, unique creature! U don’t need to be perfect to be loved…. I can’t believe the lurcher and bunny just hanging out!! . He’s beautiful ,,x. I’m surprised the breeder didn’t think him worth anything. Don’t hairless animals usually become popular, like sphinx cats, several breeds of dog, rex rats, etc?. Now that he is famous, i wonder how his “breeder” thinks about this. Please don’t give any sweat eatables to any animals. Because Sweat eatables make animals etching and fall of all hairs. So, this is a big trouble with animals and their sorrows in animal’s life.. I wouldn’t have thought a greyhound and a rabbit could be friends.. ADORABLE!!!!!. OMG he’s Mr white rabbit from Alice in wonderland, right? he’s just waiting to be suit up and grab his top hat literary . Being different only makes you more special…

Dragon ball be strong be brave be humble be badass poster

Dragon bal be strong be brave be humble be badass poster A2

Good gravy, ““The food bin was hinged on one side so she easily could have hopped right out if she wanted to, but she’s a pork chop so she didn’t want to,” Stenzel said.” It’s right there in the story. If people are so concerned for the animals you wou… See More. I once found my dog in the pantry eating Oreo cookies! Caught him red paw’d!. Dragon ball be strong be brave be humble be badass poster. How did the dog put the lid back on it and the dog does not look happy to be in there. People will do anything to get a few minutes of attention.. I’m surprised The Dodo for posting this since it encourages animal abuse. It’s obvious this is staged at the detriment of the poor dog. The Dodo comments section always looks like a freakin battlefield. I think humanity needs a collective Xanax.. Right and he was so talented he got in and closed the lid from inside.

Dragon bal be strong be brave be humble be badass poster A3

Aww, he reminds me of our blind kitty. Katniss was abandoned by her mom and survived until 4weeks alone outside. Then she was a very scared/angry kitten at the shelter. She bonded with another cat while there. We brought them both home. Love our little… See More. That is one of the cutest video that I have ever seen.. He might have diabetes, because my cat does that too. She is thirty all the time because her blood sugar is high. Omg What beautiful humans that love their cat soo much. You have learnt to understand his needs and truely above and beyond accommodated him. Love you beautiful people
Play GIF. My blind kitten LOVED taking showers too. It was strange but he loved them so I didn’t question it.. That is so precious, especially since cats don’t particularly like to get wet!
Pause GIF. My cat, Peeka, always goes in the shower after me (I know he doesn’t really want to get soaked, but for whatever reason he likes it, so I let him). He’s diabetic, so I can’t allow him to possibly get an aspiration pneumonia, he’d be too much at risk, … See More
Pause GIF

I think she likes the water coming out of shower, my cat loved drinking water from the faucet. I think he likes the fresh water. Very cute. That’s really cute never thought a cat would want to be showered daily it’s funny to see that . So cute. My cat also loves drinking water from the dripping shower faucet. I heard they do this because evolutionary they figured out when their drinking water is next to their food it would become contaminated and make them sick. No wonder she’ll only… See More. I wonder if he would be content with a fountain in the kitchen. Cats normally look for running water, like a stream they would drink from outside. Maybe he hears the shower and understands it to be running water and therefore healthy to drink, as oppos… See More. So cute & unusual for a cat but maybe because he’s visually impaired he likes the feel of the drops fling on him?!