Wrestling Murder Yoga shirt, tank top, hoodie


Wrestling Murder Yoga T-shirt

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No, people shouldn’t talk about marriage as if it is terrible. I have been with my husband for 14years. We started dating at 17 years old and married 7 years in at 24 years old. We are very happy and love each other very much and for all each other’s worts and all. Marriage can be wonderful if both people are 100 percent in, and work at it. But people can have that natural in love feeling for up to two years before real true lasting love starts. So things can be deceiving too. Marriage takes work, self work and working on your marriage as a couple. If someone doesn’t want to put in the work, a marriage won’t last and won’t be a happy one. We all know there are bad marriages though. 26 years together and I love my wife more than ever. She is my best friend. We share life commited to giving our all to each other. With Christ as our authority and unconditional commitment to each other there isn’t a better way to walk this journey called life. I love married life with my husband- 14 years this month and it is powerful how much deeper our love grows over time. The exclusive commitment to one another on every level feels incredible as you build a life together- kids, pets, investments, etc. Responsibility to one another generates continual freedom and growth within the relationship, which gets lost in our culture that tells a repetitive story of marriage as oppression. Married life gets sweeter every day! If I knew what I know now, I would do this again a million times over! My husband and I are going on 45 years of marriage. I love him more than I did when we married. We are now retired, have so much fun and enjoy each other every day.