When they go low We go high shirt, tank top, hoodie


When they go low We go high V-neck

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Our camps for Type 1 diabetic kids here in SC are on for the summer, so there is still some hope. It’s taken a lot of planning and “extra stuff” but our thought process is these kids need their camp family more than ever this year. But we do have a large medical team so that’s a little different than traditional camp. Hopefully Amos’s camp will happen for y’all. what camp is that? My kids don’t have diabetes but have another health issue regarding blood sugar. Our current summer camp only does three meals a day – no snacks, and it’s a struggle! I think another point for this and why it is so important is for the children. Children learn from the parents, we need to do our best so they dont have to struggle or see something like the horrors and injustice we are seeing now. Change and progression now for a better tomorrow! I’m trying to tell my white friends that we are all racist but they think I’m just calling them horrible ppl and they just shut me out. They dont understand its bred in us. Not something we can just decide not to be one day but it’s no excuse. The only way we can change is if we ADMIT THIS AND FACE IT and keep ourselves in check all day every day.

I know all white people are racist, but why would someone who is still close minded want to learn from someone who comes at them saying ‘all white people are racist!!’ I promise you the first time you were ready to accept your white privilege it was a point was made in a much gentler way. First you have to accept ‘not seeing color ignores systemic issues’ and then you can understand ‘colorblind menstlaity is still a form of racism’. I dont tell them they are flat out racist when I talk to them. I just say it in a round about way adding that I’m also guilty of it too. Even when I try to be as “gentle ” as possible they dont want to accept it. I figured being in this group will help me in better ways of going about opening their eyes.  When I talk to ppl I try to be as respectful as I can bc I know they won’t listen otherwise and when ppl are just flat out horrible to me, I dont engage back or I remain indifferent to their rudeness and continue still in a respectful way. Rather than saying we are all racist it might be helpful to frame it as, all white people benefit from systemic racism even if we don’t want to. We can’t just not like it, we have to actively work to change the system.