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I love a bit of upcycling too! I have made many an item from curtains I no longer want up in the house! Thanks for the compliments, I am always pretty happy when im sewing

  • That’s so beautiful, I have used velvet a couple of times but with disastrous results it moves when sewing and I do have a walking foot, could you give me any tips please.
  • It probably depends on the velvet. I didn’t use a walking foot for this because it’s pretty stable. Did the velvet you used have stretch. I have some curtaining cord which may become trousers/jacket, and some pillowcases which could be something much nicer. I’ve also just turned a pair of curtains into 4 dog bed covers
  • I wore this yesterday in Scotland under my raincoat, it was COLD and wintery and this kept me so cosy! Who new velvet was so cosy
  • Women just stayed busy all the time. Even when sitting and ‘relaxing’ at the end of the day they sewed, crocheted, knitted, quilted, mended…

Beautiful! I have embroidered bed sheet and a pillow case sets for my children when they were born .Loved embroidery. Patch work and knitting .Now knitting a rainbow colour blanket for my little grand daughter,as she asked for one.

Researchers at Florida Atlantic University, in a study published in the journal Physics of Fluids on Tuesday, found that bandanas reduced the average distance that coughs traveled from 8 feet to 3.6 feet. A folded handkerchief took that distance down to 1.25 feet. Commercial cone masks reduced the distance to 8 inches, and a two-layer, stitched mask to 2.5 inches.

Sadly we know that we should be wearing the only mask that prevents the disease the n 95 masks

I ran a sewing machine needle through my finger first year of sewing. It took someone next door hearing me yell, to knock on my parents’ door, because the air-conditioner was running. Took pliers to pull it out.

Sewing Because Murder Is Wrong poster