One Direction 10th Anniversary 2010-2020 shirt, hoodie, tank top


One Direction 10th Anniversary 2010-2020 hoodie

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I think people need to understand why sweden hasn’t taken the same steps in dealing with corona like most of the world has. It’s not because our govetnment (I’m swedish) trusts us but because our resources are so damn stretched out it’s been nearly impossible to do anything. I would like to hear more. I have many friends who saw what Sweden did and believe it is the way to go (because they have been complaining about the quarantine), but I was never sold since I feel that the mentality in other countries is less self-centered and more focused on the collective good. More community focused. So, the mentality here would have to be radically different. What are your thoughts? It is irrelevant to compare one country to another. There are too many variables to make a meaningful comparison. The much more important question is which governments used force and which used persuasion. Which sacrificed citizens freedoms in the name of protecting them and which protected citizens rights and appealed to their intelligence and responsibility to minimize the impact. I agree it’s irrelevant to compare countries, mostly because in many other countries, people are far more willing to be responsible for the sake of those around them. There’s a sense of courtesy for those around you. Less commonly found in the US, unfortunately. You may be right but thank God for the remaining Americans that believe in freedom and liberty. To me they are the last hope for humanity. When I look around the world I see a lot of sheep but not that many people that believe in freedom. except when you compare it to it Norway and see how little difference there is between very similar countries one who left it up to the people to make their own decisions -Sweden and one who didn’t – Norway. Then you can see why it becomes important.