Cover your nose too dumbass face mask



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I get what you’re saying and I’m sure you got what I said lol it should be like that’s what happens when you put an automatic or automated manual transmission in a truck drivers get too comfortable ect ect, It can and does happen to any driver out here. That’s why u have to not try things driving. He should have just put on floor and picked up. Whn he stopped
  • And government funds are being used to encourage other vehicles to give these guys space and don’t cut in on them as their braking distance is so much longer (true) but the amount of semi’s I see tailgating regular cars has more than doubled in the last 12 months.
  • This is what happens when you get your license out of a cereal box. Some of the schools in Vancouver got caught handing out commercial licenses to the immigrants without any training. The schools were taken over by immigrants so they could hand it out to their people.
  • If he had been on Indian roads he might have been in another world now. He’s inexperienced wherever he’s. People don’t do it even with motorbike what he did with a truck driving it so carelessl. Indian truckers are most tough ones. They came in students visa to get PR…. Easily get the truck driver job, for the time pass with good salary they are doing this job and risking life on roads
If you can’t drive a semi truck stick you shouldn’t be driving at all, I can guarantee this isn’t stick just by looking at the cab he got handed the licence he’s probably not even the guy who took the course he’s the 3rd cousin who was given the licence to use when his cousin was too tired for the trip I see this shit too often
He ended up on his side. Must had flip over a couple of times. That grass patch had a little down grade. I guess the camera didn’t catch that cuase it went out when he flipped, Seriously half the people who are driving trucks nowadays are idiots they shouldn’t even be behind the wheel absolutely pathetic get some actual good people behind the wheels instead of a bunch of idiots

Cover your nose too dumbass face mask