Beer definition The glue holding this 2020 shitshow together shirt,tank top, hoodie



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What a HERO he is ~ his love for the American people shines so brightly! He took all of that abuse for us ~ courage, strength, love and light! We’ve got this! Children out of the picture. Deflection because of his tax fraud. Didn’t want that on the table for discussion. Plus what foreign country is giving him money. I cried over Big Oranges statement.

  • If they have another debate, the moderator should be one trained in psychology so they will not feed into the narcissistic sociopathy that IS tRump. Agreed the last thing our country needs now is to be divided. We need a true leader that will see the common threads in all of the citizens.
  • I wish he would have refrained from the name calling. I know it is tough when you are being viciously attacked by a bully. well I wish the current sitting “president” would have vocally and decisively DENOUNCED white supremacy instead providing them a call to action. These groups have been called terrorist groups by our own FBI, the biggest threat to our security. So if Biden called him a few well-deserved names, I’m good with that.
  •  my daughter now lives in the UK and I have friends in Poland and they are actually feeling sorry for America and laughing at us. You are right, our status as a world power is almost gone. How sad that one man could cause the chaos, anger, and hatred now in our country!

If you are not going to get rid of those ass clowns from the starting line maybe time to move the bleachers in the grass area between the return road and the track, I agree to many people at the starting line, it sucked for viewers in the stands who paid a good price. Then the parade of golf carts on the grass, at least you addressed that.

Although I’ve never experienced this at GLD as a racer but I shouldn’t have to wait for people to move out of the way so I can enter the burnout box and have masses of people near my car at the starting line.

Remember when it used to cost less than forty-five bucks to race at the drag strip. I think that was back when we were all pissing in a rain gutter, The people standing around the starting line are generally those people who think they are somebody when in fact usually they’re nobody.Let me further explain


Beer definition The glue holding this 2020 shitshow together shirt,tank top, hoodie