Ew People Baby Yoda face mask


Ew People Baby Yoda face mask

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They are making this man a hero now every other criminal is a victim give me a break this man has lived most of his life in prison. If this man came to robb anyone of these hypocrites at gun point im sure they would bee saying so many nice words lol. Honoring a criminals this world is screwed. I agree. They’ve made him out to be the poster man for best man of the century. He was high on meth and another drug when arrested. No excuse for bad cops. But I’m not making the man out to be a good man who was a victim to society because he was black. He was a criminal with a long record. Media won’t tell the whole story. Only the story the want to entice destruction because they hate Trump and will destroy anybody or anything in their way to bring him down. We are just collateral damage!!!! NOTHIN MORE to the hateful democrats and their bias media. I would definitely support a one time absolutely peaceful march to demonstrate against black on black crime. It is indeed the greater outrage. But realize it would be a march for morals, for ending black genocide thru planned parenthood, for laws that reward marriage and 2 parent homes – incentivizing fatherhood and strengthening families and family values while massively disincentivizing unwed, single parents. Tough issue because you’d have make it clear that the victim mentality is at the core of feeling oppressed, and that there are no oppressed people’s in the USA. The problem is entirely cultural and a direct result of lbjs not „great society“ . Before that black families were mostly in tact with good Christian homes. How do you get people to abandon gangsta culture for western civilization? Yes, a career criminal. Research instead of always watching CNN. They found he was on Meth and another narcotic drug on his autopsy. He hadn’t changed and probably would’ve turned to stealing again. I’ve seen the violence that comes from a person on meth. Still not saying that’s excusable for bad cops. Just saying, he was a criminal not a victim of society because he was black.