Amazingmariashirts] we the people told you so politics shirt


Amazingmariashirts] we the people told you so politics shirt

assassination, Lenin nationalized all private, ecclesiastical and czarist land without compensation. He introduced press censorship, nationalized big industry, outlawed strikes, nationalized the banks, built up a police force and ordered the requisition of grain from the peasants to feed the Red Army.3 By the time Lenin died in 1924, Stalin had consolidated his power and organized his government to become the world’s most dominant example of the idea of government sovereignty. Moreover, Third Wave Politics, as Alvin and Heidi Toffler tell us, has already begun to supplant Second Wave mass-industrial society. It is to be expected, they say, that “Creating a New Civilization” inevitably entails deep conflicts as Second Wave brute-force economies symbolized by the assembly line become supplanted by Third Wave brain-force economies symbolized by the computer. In proposing their clairvoyant vision of the future, the Tofflers leave unexplored the vacuum into which the geopolitical powers behind global governance intend to insert themselves in implementing their plans to supersede the powers of sovereign nations. This publication sets forth in factual detail a sequence of events indicating that latent geopolitical powers have been shaping an agenda for global governance which includes a coercive system of global taxation, supranational police powers, and the enforcement of stringent environmental standards designed to reverse if not coercively eliminate uncontrolled industrial development and its custodian, “national sovereignty.” You people fall for this con artist? Israel bahrain peace deal didn’t bring peace to the middle east. North korea is still making nuclear weapons. Record low unemployment? Real unemployment is at 20%. He created jobs that were low income, job inequality is at an all time high. He have tax cuts to the rich. Rebuilding the military? We have had the highest military budget in the world for a long time. Bush destroyed the economy and Obama turned it in the right direction. The rest of the world is laughing at us how we handled the covid outbreak. This being said I think Trump will win because americans are so stupid. They believe the con artist. Keep being idiots it’s what makes you who you are. I agree. If Norpoth would’ve given a 55% chance that Trump will win 280 electoral votes or something like that, then I could see Norpoth getting this election wrong. But that’s not the case here. He’s predicting with near certainty that Trump will win which wasn’t the case with the two predictions he got wrong in the past. Math doesn’t lie. The other take way, is that this model was wrong twice noting, “two extremely close and contested votes marred by allegations of voting inaccuracies” – with mail in voting being at an all time high, that def sounds like it could be a possibility with his election too though. And they wanted Clinton along. The Russians have the goods on the Clintons. Bill has

we the people told you so politics shirt

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