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essence”, short for kinetic-energy-driven quintessence see Armendariz et al. in further reading. In these fashions, the kinetic vitality depends nonlinearly on the time variation of the tracker field, which causes novel dynamical features. In the early universe, when the universe is radiation dominated, these features are not evident, and the energy mimics the radiation. However, when the universe undergoes the transition to matter domination, in contrast to the examples mentioned above, the k-essence field refuses to trace the matter. At first, the sphere slows down and the kinetic power density drops sharply, however it quickly converges to a set value and begins to behave as a source of adverse stress. It is then just a short while earlier than it overtakes the matter density and drives the universe into cosmic acceleration. The essential point is that there does not have to be some special function in the potential power for this to occur. Rather, it is an automated dynamical response to the onset of matter domination. The vitality consists of kinetic energy, which depends on the speed of oscillations in the field strength, and potential energy, which is dependent upon the interaction of the sphere with itself and matter. The strain is set by the distinction between the kinetic and potential power, with kinetic vitality contributing positively to the pressure. However, for the reason that oscillation has an extremely long wavelength and period – basically the dimensions and age of the universe – its kinetic vitality is negligible. The behaviour of the quintessence area is therefore dominated by how it interacts with itself. Much like a stretched spring, this self-interplay potential leads to adverse stress. The counterintuitive aspect is the gravitational response, which is an unappreciated function of Einstein’s basic concept of relativity . Filling the universe with a fluid e.g. matter and radiation that has positive pressure and a positive rho + 3P slows the enlargement. On the opposite hand, a fluid with sufficiently negative stress could have a adverse rho + 3P, and it will trigger the growth to accelerate. First, a census of the total matter density of the universe has revealed that it provides up to significantly lower than anticipated. Cosmologists have identified for many years that the sum of all of the strange or “baryonic” matter – that’s all of the

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