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The process for appointing a Chief Justice is the same as for appointing Associate Justices and typically involves a sharing of responsibilities between the President, who nominates the Justices, and the Senate, which provides “advice and consent.” (Ex… . Trump most likely had a nervous breakdown not Covid. He should be examined by an independent medical team not his pawns! He was removed from the hospital because they couldnt buy everyone that works in the hospital.. How Biden gonna hold Russia to account when Russia owns his son and his family?. Harris is a lier. Late term abortion? like murder? Pence won.. Great victory pence looks like he has covid ready to pass out with a fly on his head . Here’s the real timeline of what happened (all of this BEFORE we had even one death in the US) : Grinch like a good neighbor stay over there face mask 1/6 CDC issues travel advisory for Wuhan.. Considering the number of times she lied, I wouldn’t trust her to be dog catcher

Grinch like a good neighbor stay over there face mask

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No doubt Pence is voting for Biden. It doesn’t even matter what pence had to say! That fly and this administration’s record did the talking tonight!. I hope Americans can except who ever wins and put all this aside and come together as you did with 911 Grinch like a good neighbor stay over there face mask We can start by saying positive things about the candidate we support without any comments of negative. What was with the eye rolling and smirks that woman was doing??? What juvenile actions!. Red pill.. Because Nancy Pelosi has so much crap that has nothing to do with helping the average American people!. Pence lied about your healthcare, wake up liars. Don’t you know lairs are the most cool and calm deceiving there are. Give me a break. Your analysis is bull crappy.. Now he is talking fossil fuel. Can’t stay on the subject. Yeah. We know that. Now put up billboards in KY telling them that they are the state with the highest foodstamp pct per person, and Mitch is the Richest senator in the senate. Youre doing it wrong. You suck at messaging.

Grinch like a good neighbor stay over there face mask

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I could give a very long list of articulate, calm, evil people. It really isn’t enough. What’s more, the President doesn’t listen to anyone at all.. No. Kamala was insistent. They will not listen to the science. Open season on fracking. She said it.. Yeah, but he didn’t answer the question that was asked.. I really don’t care about her skin color. It shouldn’t be the only reason to vote for someone. I just wish she would respond to the question accurately to the subject that was asked. She seems to have the same answer for every question. Disappointing.. We the people want
Justice, respect and our taxes accounted for. I remember Vice President Biden stating that Dr. Fauci never discouraged the wearing of masks.. The Moderator needs to be a little bit more forceful when trying to make Pence keep within the time limits.. Moderator needed more controlshe came across submissive to Pence. Kamala showed great restraint. Go Blue✓

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Look at that shining halo! Yeah DEMS your hand are SO clean.. They are all playing with peoples lives. They have money so don’t worry about us. THAT IS A LIE but that’s the Democrat way.. Pence: no soul, weak, lies, weasel, shallow, He has no purpose for the American ppl! He’s a complete sellout! . Pence is gonna need an ice bath after this one. What does it matter at this point?”. Harris is getting schooled. But why…this is the thing. Can y’all please tell us the FULL story? What’s the plan?. Kamala “they are coming for you” Harris is absolutely disgusting.. It amazes me, the number of Repugnants that frequent Democratic websites! It only proves they are looking for truth…. NEGOTIATE WITH WHO? PELOSI AND HER lying cheating scheming liberal Democraps WENT ON THEIR OCTOBER BREAK … THEY ARE NOT IN D.C. … THEY ARE ON VACATIONS AGAIN !!!! THEY DON’T WANT TO WORK FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE … SHAME!!!!

Trump lost the election by the hateful chaos he has sowed for four years. He has himself to blame.. The stock market, his barometer of how economy is doing, took a steep dive. So the prez reversed his decision. Hes still determined to present a cheap bill that will be of little help. Shame on him.. Encouraging people to vote in person is playing with people’s lives. You are trying to start a super spreader to blame on trump. You have lost my vote.. I must have missed that pence was telling the truth… If your party wouldn’t try to add billions of pork spending and hold Americans hostage with banning voter ID…and focus on ONE issue only: Americans need help.. Pence is trained to lye under pressure and he did a good job!! This man was a radio host celebrity and used to work for a cigarette company too! He would be advertising and stating that cigarette