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There’s so much at stake. BRG feminism get in loser So you allow this guy to be nominated in the primaries. WOW. Among Americans who identify as Democrat or Republican, 1 in 3 now believe that violence could be justified to advance their parties’ political goals—a substantial increase over the last three years. (YouGov). Love is the great power to stop this. It… YOUTUBE.COM “Love Is Around” For Voters and Families – Non-Partisan. __”The risk of being killed during a police encounter is 16 times greater for individuals with untreated mental illness, according to a 2015 report by the Treatment Advocacy Center. Despite the fatal flaws in the practice, cities nationwide continue to… See More OKLAHOMAWATCH.ORG Oklahoma City Mental Health Emergencies Outpace Police Trained To Handle Them – Oklahoma Watch. demo party is gone! I walked away 2015. Who decides who moderates these debates? Get rid of Susan. She is worthless in moderating this event. Harris is shining – first class, passionate and sharp as a tack.

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Why do we allow a foreign owned news network to conduct something as important as the interview or (debate)? BRG feminism get in loser We should get to ask the questions we want answers for in a real interview!. Plan in place, Ill vote in person. Screw mail in ballots, I’m making sure my vote counts, period.. WHILE I’M ON THIS ‘ROLL’,,,,,,, ‘THERE IS SOMETHING PECULIAR GOING ON WITH THE ‘DEMON-CRATIC’ PARTY! ‘WHY’ (and trust me, i’m sure I know why), IS IT THAT IT IS ‘O N L Y’ THE ‘REPUBLICAN’S GETTING SICK? I’M THINKING ‘THE UGLY DEVIL IS REARING HIS SE… . Is anyone else upset on that the Democratic party offering was someone who was 78 years old instead of someone younger. I am curious since I feel that Biden is more of someone that should have mentored a person running for the election instead of being… See More. Nancy Pelosi and so called demos that allegedly support the regular working class is false. $$$ is provided to farms, airlines, auto industry and corporations but where is the $ to the working class-second stimulus payment! Disgusted with Demo false ac… See More

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dear d nc.tell biden to quit using the term protect social security” ….this is vague and seems to imply privitization….NO to that….use….keep and increase social security benefits…NO to privitization. How about holding Biden accountable for what he has not done for 48 years instead of the man that just got here THREE years ago!!. YES ‘ there is much at steak in this election. Our Freedom or Communist Rule. This election is not much about Trump or Biden but the Democratic Communist Party or American Freedom.. Just got caught by FBI The Democrats just got caught cheating. Hilary Clinton and obama were brief by Bemnan about the Russia to distract from Hilary email sever. the smoking gun is in. Democrats are the party of CHEATING PERIOD.. If Americans are so important to Democrats what haven’t they given the Americans the same health insurance that democrats have (not obama care) but the same the democrats have, that Congress has so the American people can feel assured we are all being …

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Put these numbers in your phone as FBI Voting Rights. 202-307-2767
or 800-253-3831.. The debate was supposed to address the American people. All of us. I felt ignored and disrespected by Trumps bluster. He disrespected the rules of the debate which were essentially his job interview with us. Who would hire this guy after that performa… . True story, and Biden and the Dem’s have really shown their true colors lately. The country is in real peril so don’t waste your vote on Biden. Vote for a real Patriotic Americans! Vote all REPUBLICAN!!!. I won’t vote for Trump, but I’d love to have a Democratic candidate that was ALSO pro- 2nd amendment. Why must I choose between a gun grabber and a petulant liar?. I used to be a Democrat. Please tell me one reason policy wise you are voting for Biden. I just can’t see it . Higher taxes , more troops sent overseas, and why does China want Biden to win so bad ? So Biden can send our factory jobs back to China … See More

Great job Ms. Harris! You truly did a wonderful job! Keep being you and telling truth vs all the lies of the past 4 years. Unite Americans and get our country to be respectable again!. Again, she did not tell you how to vote, just that our democracy depends on the American people voting!. VOTED BLUE TODAY #BidenHarris2020. I have already voted for all my Democrats in California the Bluest State in the Union.. “fracking is bad, actually.”. I voted for you today and donated to your campaign tonight! You were awesome !! So proud to be one of your supporters!. Already for team Biden/Harris!! Blue all the way down!!. KAMALA NAILED IT!! SHE IS AWESOME. Our VP Mike Pence was absolutely amazing!so respectful!…Kamala doesn’t deserve a spot on that stage!…Hands down!…Trump/Pence 2020!. Pence won that debate hands down!. Agreed… just make sure not to vote democratic…. We voted Absentee Oct 5 for Biden and Harris