If it involves jesus and country music count me in mug


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Never mind avatar, more terminator films required !!!. Excellent Mr. Arnold Thank you and Cameron. Ask about true lies! Please mr Schwarzenegger?. Ask about Terminator, jerk.. Howdy stranger,this is Howser. Why did Jim Cameron ruin terminator dark date by making it a political liberal hogwash theme? It’s a valid question.. Get married soon and have lots of kids Mr Terminator . All pollutions, or just some?. How about putting fire breaks in your forests! Your lack of forestry management is destroying your state! Not you personally of course.. Have you heard of The Venus Project? Resource based economy is a great solution to most if not all of our current social and economic problems. ‘Sabotage 2’ is what we wanna see !!. Who is Jim Cameron? . Fight pollution? The greenest 3 states in the world have the worst air quality. Go preach to someone else . Get to the chopper, geeeet down geeeeet down agaaaaiiin. If it involves jesus and country music count me in mug

If it involves jesus and country music count me in mug

If it involves jesus and country music count me in mug 1

I love your movies you are so awesome.. Yes please. Sooner than Later for more Avatar movies. Im not getting any younger. Duo legend. But avatar is for children compared with the terminators.. Thanks for everything you’re doing to make the world a better, more livable place for future generations!. hello from texas! Jane Goodall love her! And your enthusiasm at 4 am!. As long as it is not about the man made fires . Congratulations on the medal Arnold Schwarzenegger, also on this Summit. Best regards from Iceland . Real super heroes..not a movie. Enjoyed Prince Charles comments as well. Congratulations Arnold on your distinctive award!. Sir Arnold . If it involves jesus and country music count me in mug You are my favourite personality. Arnold should starring Avatar future movies. Jane Goodall for world leader . Where is True Lies on Blu ray!!!. Arnold, please, when will you realise Conan 3 ?. I am sad there’s no substitute on this coz I am deaf do not understand what they say!

If it involves jesus and country music count me in mug

If it involves jesus and country music count me in mug 2

Congratulations Arnold!!. KERRY is a CRIMINAL!. Arnold you can be the Better President of United States. Thanks for that.It was great and Congratulation for the last surprise.. John Kerry? The smart person who gave all that money to the Country Iran?! The Country responsible for killing all those American Soldiers! You have went from my childhood hero to friends with Kerry?! Sad Arnold.. FYI John Kerry is a traitor. undefined. thought he was in gitmo. I missed it . Nice. I know it’s not possible with the have to be born in USA rule to be president but I wish you could be the next president Arnold Schwarzenegger you would be a great leader. I’m am the presidenator I’ll be back.. Oak – maybe you should be UN Secretary General ???? . #StopTurkeyAggression #StopAzerbaijaniAggression #ArtsakhStrong #ArtsakhisArmenia #stoperdoghan #turkeyisterroriststate #StopClusterUsageinArtsakh. RINO. Excellent. Very cute. hi sir arnold how are you i miss your action movie

If it involves jesus and country music count me in mug 3

Dear Arnold, in Denmark we have a movement right now trying to convince ordinary people to replace their lawns with wildflower meadows to create havens for bees, butterflies and other insects thereby countering the decline in insect diversity. A small … . The rest of the world need to follow Austria’s climate change efforts now.. In Scotland we have added beekeeping to the curriculum and schools have their own hives ! Our children from nursery age also learn about the environment and it’s within the curriculum also under learning for sustainability, we need to teach children fr… See More. Thank you Arnold for your work to protect the environment! We wish to attend one of the meetings when you come to CA!. Can you please ask him to hurry up with the blu rays of The Abyss and True Lies aswell . Ask him when hes going to remaster True Lies so it can be available for streaming. Please.

WAKE UP” people! And ARNI, start to tell the truth!. Making the world a better place. Thank you!. Thank you, Arnold, we really appreciate your leadership right. Great plans for the future.. I wish the Governator could run for pres. Hes the only man I will ever vote for!. Great plans for the future.. Could you run for the head position in Austria?. The condition is so much worst here in Pakistan due to covid 19 and for greed and shortage of food people are suffering so we are helping people by our own so please help our people as much as you can if anyone want to help please let me know. I’ll be back . Arnold, you haven’t had your reports on Lulu and Whiskey in a long time, how are they, they’re great! !!. Wish u were able to be president We love u mr. Terminator