Welcome To The Promised Land Shirt, hoodie, tank top


Welcome To The Promised Land Shirt

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Welcome To The Promised Land Shirt, hoodie, tank top

This going to require huge sacrifice…

COMMENT #40 [Permalink]… Agent 99 said on 1/21/2010 @ 3:12 pm PT…

ANY angry mob, ANY angry person, who does not have reality perfectly in mind is very easily coöpted by any person or group who supply, or seem to supply, a channel for relief, for redress of grievances. Like taking candy from a baby kind of easy. Has happened a few million times throughout history. Even smart people get snookered by this means. So stop letting it be only evil fuckers who use this mechanism to gain their ends.

We can use this mechanism to free everyone.

Quit losing to people like Karl Rove.

COMMENT #41 [Permalink]… Agent 99 said on 1/21/2010 @ 3:14 pm PT…

COMMENT #42 [Permalink]… Mitch Trachtenberg said on 1/21/2010 @ 3:16 pm PT…

To encourage folks to click on this…


…I’m extracting the following quote. (My only complaint about Michael Smith’s brilliant unpublished work is that it’s hard to know how to choose a smallish quote.)

Annie is very puzzled by most of her fellow Americans. She doesn’t understand their taste in food, or clothing, and she really doesn’t get why so many of them go to church. More than anything else, though, she’s baffled about why they hate liberals so much.

Social Security, student loans, interstate highways, subsidized mortgages, electricity in every darkest Dogpatch of the benighted South — all these things, and more, were the liberals’ gift to America. They’re all things that regular Red-State Americans consider their birthright. In fact, it’s not too much to say that all these liberal initiatives built the world the liberal-haters live in. So what’s their problem? Why do they have to bite the hand that feeds them — that’s fed them for three generations now?


Welcome To The Promised Land Shirt, hoodie, tank top
see more: https://beutee.net/product/welcome-to-the-promised/
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