Choose Freedom Shirt, hoodie, tank top


Choose Freedom Shirt

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Choose Freedom Shirt, hoodie, tank top

I think you’re also ignoring their express statements that they don’t want to be reasoned with.

For my own part, it comes down to a choice between emigrating (I hear New Zealand is nice every time of year) or running for office, with my opinion on every issue for sale on Craigslist.

COMMENT #60 [Permalink]… Agent 99 said on 1/21/2010 @ 4:06 pm PT…

Oh, karlof1, I wonder if that could be why these people are bringing their guns….

COMMENT #61 [Permalink]… Jeannie Dean said on 1/21/2010 @ 4:08 pm PT…

Mitch says:”Here’s a simple experiment we can all try…Attend a tea party meeting in your area.”

Woah! Novel, doable, social experiment, Mitch!As I have already tried this many, many times (I have TeaPeople in my own family, even!) I would be VERY curious to hear how that plays out for all…

…But especially Agent 99, who keeps insisting that rest of us just don’t get how to finesse them (though she has given us no evidence that she has managed to do so successfully or even attempted it outside of her truncated efforts here with Damail).

After weeks of raging against us for being “too smart” for her rude new brand of hostiles(conveniently forgetting that she is, too); after belittling us all for being wrong about them (despite little to no evidence that she is right), now that her most blistering, condescending remarks are starting to rival theirs in their hatred and rage, I would very much like to hear how that goes.

As ZAPKITTY points out, in order to redirect their rage, you would have to get them to accept the idea that corporatocracy is happening at the hands of their very own founders. What will that take? …


Choose Freedom Shirt, hoodie, tank top
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