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My 9th trip to venice was in November, leaving 5 days before the flood. I’ve always loved this place and prior to November, I always was sad, with tears in my eyes, at the time I had to leave. So on this trip I said I would stay long enough not to have that happen again. I spent 16 nights at the Rialto Hotel and had the perfect time.

  • The hotel was expensive but well worth it and my room was on the penthouse floor and in every way memorable. I woke up daily with new excitement and discovered so many places that I purposely got lost to see. The food was always fabulous. Everything was perfect. I spoiled myself with a trip to remember forever and I still LOVE remembering my days, all saved in a daily journal that expressed my activities and my feelings. I didn’t cry when I left but I also knew I’d be back as soon as possible to savor its delights.
  • Venice is a truly magical place… I was there last year and arrived very early after flying all night and not sleeping at all on the flight (too excited)… I remember taking a boat to my hotel in a dreamlike state, seeing the city for the first time and tears came to my eyes… the haunting beautiful decay is intoxicating. I never wanted to leave.
  • I stayed at Hotel Galleria, recommended by RS, across the canal from the beautiful yellow&white building in the pic. Simply lovely. I’ve been to Venice 5 times and hope to go 5 more. Will read the History of Venice by Julius Norwich before my next trip.
  • Absolutely loved Venice. We took your advice and wandered off the beaten path where there were no crowds. Taking the vaporetto in the morning before the crowds awoke and using your self-guided tour was so much fun.

We spent a week in Venice last year staying on a boat in a marina; we did some tourist things but that was our least favorite part of being there. We loved walking through our neighborhood park and over several canals to buy groceries. No cars, little alleys and neighborhoods, absolutely wonderful. It is my favorite place in Europe because of it’s uniqueness.

I’ve been to Venice several times and I always find it magical. As we were leaving the most recent time, we were on a taxi to the train station. It was a grey, stormy day and the lagoon was very crowded, with every kind of boat going every different direction in an uniquely Venetian dance. It’s a wonderful memory to carry with me until my next visit.

The first time I went to Venice it was a rock Steve’s tour. The magic never left me and I have been back twice more. I love the back streets.

Your Butt Napkins My Lord Poster