To boldly go Where no one has gone before Star Trek shirt, hoodie


To boldly go Where no one has gone before Star Trek T-shirt

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Please stop listening to this pathetic delusional little boy. He is stuck in a time warp when he was a know it all BULLY who never grew up. You probably can feel sorry for him as he has Malignant Narcissistic Syndrome and therefore has no empathy or regard for humanity. How can you care for others when you are all about yourself? Did I mention Arizona, Texas, Florida and Georgia?
All Republican governed states who opened up early because the Liar in Chief urged them. Instead of going by the science and data and experts (like Dr. Fauci), they acted on the Toddler in Chief’s direction to get the economy regenerated. Now look at all the hospitals fighting over refrigerated trucks to store the end result of the Stable Genius’s “Great” leadership in handling this PANDEMIC. Anyone who believes a word Trump says is either stupid or got dropped on their head as a baby. My Mother used to say, “Honey you cannot fix stupid.” The BLUE TSUNAMI IS COMING to America on November 3rd 2020. Get your mail in ballots now Thomas Redenski Spot On. The Governors of each state have a responsibility to look after their own state and the people. Poor show if they can’t do their job. Perhaps they should retire if their not up to it. I feel sorry for you, you really think that President Trump has a failed administration,Plus as you choose to stay and back up people who only want for their self like Nancy P.who was raised in a very big mafia family alone with HRC,both their Fathers were very big in the mafia.Just in case you don’t understand ….you can read up on them and their gangster I guess that you are a perfect person…HRC & the Democrats has a list of murders over my whole life and thats a LONG TIME.I don’t know how old you are & I don’t care but I have watched these people AS I HAVE GROWN UP…and its NOT been a pretty picture or movie..ITS TIME that they pay for the murders and EVIL WORKS …like I said I will pray for ANYONE who can’t see the DEVIL’S WORKS and they will pull anyone down who is NOT smart enough to see THE TRUTH.