Tim McGraw – It’s Your Love lyrics poster


Tim McGraw - It's Your Love lyrics poster1

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When I was in school it was the norm to have a student accompany another to the school nurse unless there was an accident then the teacher herself escorted the child, tech has sent our brains on permanent leave of absence. When I was in school it was the norm to have a student accompany another to the school nurse unless there was an accident then the teacher herself escorted the child, tech has sent our brains on permanent leave of absence they suspended him because he carried her to the nurse’s station that is the most dumbest thing i have heard this year all because she was having any asthma attack good job for saving her So sad that the teacher felt the need to have her/his ego stroked. I am very proud of the teenager to take things into his own hands. If he hadn’t that girl could be dead. Teacher needs to go back to school. This young man did everything right. He should not be punished because his teacher is an airhead. To me, this boy saved a life and should NOT be punished. WTH is going on in Killeen? What are you thinking? I taught Junior High for 31 years. The stupidity is unreal. In emergency situations there is not time to wait and the schools reaction is unreasonable. Take the school to court and get some rules changed so this stupidity isn’t repeated. If anyone fears eminent life threatening danger their actions to help should be protected by law. I have asthma, and it isn’t fun when your trying to breath. Time is of the essence. My nephew who also had asthma died before he could even get to his nebulizer and he was just 54 yrs old. I’m glad he took her to the nurses office, otherwise the young girl might not have made it. This young man did the right thing for a fellow classmates classmate. I had a cosin die while waiting for clearance from the nurse. Great job young man, your parents raised you right!