SpongeBob SquarePants LGBT Pride shirt, hoodie, tank top


SpongeBob SquarePants LGBT Pride hoodie

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That’s why America is hated, even in the countries they’ve “rescued” in the Middle East. That’s why the USA gets involved in stuff that isn’t their business, but it does suit their interests. Time to start arresting these destructive people, put them in a jail cell, give them one phone call to have somebody bring them food every day, and make them pay a hefty fine before they are released to pay for their destruction …. nobody to bring them food … too bad … when family has to start paying for all their kids destruction, parents are going to start teaching and disciplining their kids to make them behave, or they will be paying for their destructive behaviors. Start arresting, seizing bank accounts and stopping welfare checks will be a good start to paying back destructive behavior. Once that starts, you know parents/family won’t keep dishing out money or have their bank accounts seized, or welfare checks stopped, to pay for their kids bad behavior.

We, the people, should not have to pay or suffer for other people’s bad kids behavior. Put the responsibility where it belongs. of course they are hated by some. I cant imagine everyone would agree with a foreign military in their country. But there are those opressed in those countries that see that american flag and think; thank fuck. Get these scum bags. and yet our shithole is still far better than your excuse for a country. pay for your own countries defense ya leech. grow your own trees, make your own meds. Your country is very dependent off of us, also who are we at war with? Who are you protecting us from? Your country isn’t that great? and yet you spend more time worring about us that than your own shit hole. we can do our own trees, more ppl live in california than your whole country cause ppl wanna be here, not there.