Slayer Hawaiian Shirt



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It dropped major plot development, original music, original lyrics, original choreography, and that’s about it. Everything else you said is just your opinion. I think the entire episode is CRAP.

  • Rewatching many years later we have reached season 4. The stories are amazing, the callbacks are masterful and the acting is next level… but there is so much more going on – and it is that subtext that makes the line I’ve missed so much more painful.
  • In Marvel comics there is a rule that is passed on from one editor to another “Peter Parker must suffer”. Buffy is a superhero but that doesn’t help her emotionally. Alone she would have died, not just because nobody could have revived her when she drowned but because she wouldn’t have cared about survival.
  • Even with the friends she is a walking mess. The really clever thing is that the writers knew this and yet wrote as if it wasn’t the case. This is why Buffy’s reaction to what happened with Parker seemed so odd. This is our big hero… why is she moping like a… like a teenage girl whose first boyfriend turned into a monster after sex…
  • Once More With Feeling is, for me, the acknowledgement of all they set out to do. It isn’t just that compared to where she had been, life on Earth is hellish… it is stronger, her life was an ongoing Hell of suffering, misery, torture and really poor choices.

Buffy is made relatable because she is our suffering Peter Parker. The musical just makes sure you realise that by hitting you with an emotional sledgehammer.

I am a huge lifelong fan of Buffy/Angel, ever since the movie. I cannot stand the hot mess waste of time and talent that is Once More With Feeling.

Slayer Hawaiian Shirt