Ruth Bader Ginsburg Fight for the things you care about face mask


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Parents, gaurdians, grandparents aubta and uncles please talk to the achool age children in our li es and explain to them the important things and the importance of being and America ????????. We need to indoctrinate our children with USA history and what makes America the best country in the world. We need to be the teachers and influences in our youths lives.

  • Sleepy Joe would send our jobs to China. President Trump is all in for American workers and has a proven track record on creating jobs for us. Think about it folks!  I no your a all American President, the American people been waiting on this for a long time, we lost everything in 2011 when Obama was President now were paying rent at our age.
  • Nice try, Donna Slump, I’m sure there have been people returning, but not that many. We are seeing manufacturing and energy reenergized as more people want to buy American, and companies are looking at tax incentives to produce here. The new trade alliance with our neighbors Mexico and Canada will reap benefits for years to come
  • and evening the playing field with countries formerly receiving breaks while our goods had heinous tariffs, has slowly been righted by this administration. It is the cumulative impact of these and regulation reform that has built a foundation for economic growth, that even Covid cannot keep down, unless the country is shutdown further by politicians with an agenda.

Don’t forget to mention that this is after losing 40 million jobs in just a couple of months. You can’t call it a rally or a “win” when you are still sitting with higher unemployment than you were when you entered office.

Economic growth was better under Obama. You think that because the stock market is recovering, so is the economy. Tell that to the person who can’t pay their rent.

President Trump is a businessman and since 1963 the economy was booming because of him. It so happened that we have this pandemic that the economy was down but make no mistake the President is brilliant to make the economy goes up.

What are you talking about you got Government that still won’t let people open up there business in California and other places create new jobs lets get the ones we already had back up and running scream at you’re Government no better yet vote them out and see what we get vote Red and just see what do you have to loose Government is the biggest enemy right now and the Deep state


Ruth Bader Ginsburg Fight for the things you care about face mask