Chicago Fire 8th Anniversary 2012-2020 shirt, tank top, hoodie



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if the world doesn’t collapse and the airlines don’t change me out of a seat…I will be flying SFO to Ponta Delgada in the Azores next week. 2 night in Istanbul on my return. I know, crazy but it was one of the only places to spend a night or two as an American. It is interesting to me how loudly the opposition screams in response to Steve’s posts. If you don’t like them, provide serious, factual arguments in support of your position. Otherwise, just be quiet. The days of bloviating are over.

  • So how have the Republican politicians tried to keep American Blacks from vetoing, just curious about what facts this is based on. It would be good if people would stop using the black population to justify their own agenda. I live in the South and the black communities here are not being forced to do anything. They have been free for hundreds of years and we have all been friends a long time. I resent people using them like the Democrat are doing.
  • Biden is brazenly pro abortion. He used to be pro life but turned pro choice. If asked what he will do if roe vs wade is overturned by Supreme Court ,he said he will legislate it into a law. The closer it gets to the election the more the trump snowflakes realize their dear leader is losing, the louder they get and more ridiculous they get. It’s evident in some of the responses on Rick’s personal Facebook page. If you didn’t realize until today that Rick is liberal, it’s no surprise you still support trump.

I don’t think MLK would of approved of the Democratic Cities that are rioting, looting, ruining everything in their paths. I could never vote for this. I don’t think these are Democratic ideals. And now we have the Hunter Biden scandal. In the psychology field, we refer to those cultivated by the narcissist to do their bidding as “flying monkeys.”

Watching Death Yam short circuit and cause response fatigue in his own flying monkeys would be amusing if we weren’t on the verge of dictatorship. because they’re paid to. They’re trolls. Idk how many times the news has reported fake pro-trump accounts spamming various comment feeds. Ignore them or just laugh at them, like I do.

They’re sometimes entertaining. Thank you, Steve, and everyone taking this crucial action! The current administration and supporters have turned the US into a third world country. Part of living in a third world country is risking your life to vote. I’m 70 and this is incomprehensible to me!

Chicago Fire 8th Anniversary 2012-2020 shirt, tank top, hoodie