Cow sticking out tongue 3D face mask



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Cow sticking out tongue 3D face mask

Oh, a thousand thank you’s for rescuing her! I wasn’t sure if I wanted to watch the rest of this video. Of course she knew she was pregnant. Calves kick in their mom’s womb, too! Now look at the life you saved and both mother and calf can be happy and safe together. You performed a wonderful act of human kindness.

  • Thank you so much. But how heartless sending the poor cow for slaughter when with calf.
    Cow are so accused by humans. In every way.
    While I know the cruelty never stops. At least I am feel some happiness at this. And witness kindness.
  • Yet, so many other are killed. I feel so bad because I consume meat products. I stopped before but went back to them. I will try to stop again. I understand is part of circle but it makes me sad. So many are never even given a chance to live. They are kept in small cages and then killed. Also, so many people are wasteful with food and just let it go to waste or serve a lot and throw it away!
  • Mother instinct! Animals are beautiful creatures and if only humans would learn to accept the fact that we can live side by side with animals.
  • What a wonderful story that Momma cow was gonna do what she had to to save her unborn calf So glad she was rescued and had her baby in peace and safety

Oh my what a brave girl. Outrageous that a pregnant cow was on her way to slaughter. So happy that she ended up in a caring wonderful home and not having her calf snatched away. Animals have thoughts and feelings the proof is in this story!!!

We should stop eating animals. Cows are such a noble animals! They cry when we take away their babies. They understand everything…There was another video of a cow escaping farm to give birth to her baby away from human eye and hiding it in the bushes because humans took away all her babies she had before that one.