Nice Butt Goat poster


Nice Butt Goat poster

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What is your recommendation for fireworks season? We have an 18 mo old that is terrified and shakes uncontrollably. She won’t let us comfort her and she distances herself from us. try desensitising. Play a recording of fireworks on very low volume while you are cooking etc, in other words showing the dog its ” normal” do it every day for a few minutes,increasing volume as the dog gets used to it. The thing is, cuddling a dog that is scared, will reinforce the message – the fireworks are scary, you reward the fear by giving love. So try distraction instead, a walk. sorry you cannot reinforce fear. It your child is scared – falls over or has a nightmare you don’t just let them suck it up. You comfort them. Vets nurses do this all the time to the scared dogs in the Vets office. There are some really good sesensitation programs for this. Look for the ones that are not the suck it up type. Put on low volume and then give them their food or sprinkle high value treats around. IF they are worried and wont eat – then you have aimed too high. Bring it down and repeat. Good luck. My bf’s GSD is not socialized. But watching and learning from you Cesar helped both timber and myself create a mutual respect for each other. Now we’re best buds. Thank you Help!!! I have father, mother and son. Have to keep them completely separated. Son was out with dog walker and was taken away as pit bull type. Ever since he’s back, there’s bad blood. It’s good, but it should be great. Any advice please?I have a question for the community. Has anyone heard of a dog training facility called “Unleashed Potential”. I M looking for some info, regarding one of their training techniques. I was told that a lot of their training is food motivated which I understand, but I had heard a disturbing thing that part of this training, suggests to owners to deny their dogs food. So for example, the dog would be fed in the morning, if the dog’s behaviour is not suitable it would not be fed supper. Plenty of water, but no food. , until behaviour is corrected. Is this such a thing.