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When I read the horrible stories about people killing for fun (trophy hunting), my heart is broken. Then these wonderful people come along and rescue a goat, just because they see it needs help and they step up. Thank you for your compassion! You are true heroes. Wish I could thank all those amazing people on that rescue team personally. Proving that even one precious animal life matters.

  • Humanity is when you help someone who can’t do anything for you in return! This shows how beautiful you are inside and outside!  I love all your videos so much but the ads in between are awful and sometimes I just skip the rest of the video. Can’t you just put the ads at the end?
  • I love all your videos so much but the ads in between are awful and sometimes I just skip the rest of the video. Can’t you just put the ads at the end? They even put the tin foil over her ready for the oven. Sorry people it’s not really funny but I couldn’t resist it.im glad they got Dolly to safety

I sincerely hope all commenters rejoicing at her rescue are eating plant based, otherwise theres hundreds of animals that need rescuing from you.  What became of dolly did she end up in a sanctuary or a farm tell us more after that heroic rescue

The fact that they are so sweet with this poor goat, talk to her so gently, actually makes them look so hot!!  that’s real men!! Glad Dolly is, The rescue team worked well together and they deserve a medal for what they do! Hope Dolly is well ! fine!!

Ohno poor baby. But thank you for rescues. God bless you all so beautiful baby.

Goat Nice Butt poster