Get naked Mickey Mouse Shower Curtains


Get naked Mickey Mouse Shower Curtains

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Because the Democrats plan is once his President they will say his incapable of running this country… and replace him with the Vice President. Then Obama will tell the VP what needs to be done. then you’re delusional.
Bidens definitely senile and has dementia, Trumps not once displayed any mental incapacity. his taxes are just that his taxes, I don’t show my taxes to anyone other than my tax preparer, I, you, nor anyone is obligated to show your taxes and the law says so.
Your main concern is Trump’s taxes? Cities are burning, people are out of work due to the election infection, speech is being eliminated and/or suppressed, the congress does nothing on both sides of the aisle, government debt at all levels are out of control and you want everyone to be concerned about Trumps taxes? WTF is wrong with you? Candace Badzik really? Who gives a rats ass about his personal taxes and what he does with his personal money? He donates his salary every quarter to different charity organizations and hasn’t taken a penny in pay. What about Obama secretly giving Iran access to $5.7 billion which $1.7 billion helped fund their terrorist groups? What did Obama ever do for America or the people? NOT A THING, except lie and deceive we the people. His administration spewed hatred and evil to divide this country while in office and he continues to divide it still today? Why don’t you bury your head deeper in the sand. maybe he’s still waiting to see Obama’s birth certificate. Trump probably feels what was good for the goose is good for the gander.