Oh Christmas Bee Ugly Christmas Sweater



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trump is Hitler, circa 1920’s. Read the history of how he began. He promised a great economy and people voted for him. See how it started and you’ll see Hitler and trump are one in the same. And the majority of Americans are smart enough to see it. Read something real about Hitler’s start, it’s the same as the last 4 years in the US. he didn’t begin will killing people, he began with how much money they would make. People look the other way when money’s involved.

  • Well, if the democrats were behind it, that WOULD only make sense, wouldn’t it? Voter fraud doesn’t have to be nationwide or widespread. It only needs to be targeted to a few districts in a few states. wanna bet I know that history better than you do? As it happens, I do t remember Trump’s Beer Hall Putsch. I do remember something that was vaguely reminiscent of Kristallnacht, but that was in Berkeley, and it was perpetrated by leftists.
  • Kevin McHugh so you’re saying the electoral college could be susceptible to influence in single counties or states and thus should be abolished? It’s like Florida in 2000 where thousands of voters were illegally purged and then Bush won by 537 votes? Seems like that one state and the illegal actions taken by their government illegally then gave the election to Bush?

He is following a line of conversation too hard? Even one YOU started? Apparently, you don’t know the history of 30’s to 40’s Germany as well as you think you do. For those of you who were unable to get the gist of what I tried to say in a toss off comment that I typed probably too quickly, I’m sorry about your powers of comprehension. I’ve (quickly) fixed it to make it a little clearer for you.

My grandfather was a bee keeper and was often called on to rescue “swarms” that settled down too close to people. I was fascinated just watching (from a distance). My job was cranking the centrifuge machine that extracted the honey from the hives he kept. He and his honey were well known in South Louisiana.

I love bees even my name means bee’s in Latin. My grandfather was a bee keeper and now many of his grandkids are bee keeper’s. During the depressions my grandfather supported his family off the bees. They were self sustained and actually thrived during it. I think they are adorable too and I have absolutely no fear of them. I never really minded bees, but once I realized they’re population was in danger, I had to stop my stepdad from killing one that got into the house Bees are smart. I could swear they are psychic. I can usually direct them out of my kitchen door by pointing and using mind control.

Oh Christmas Bee Ugly Christmas Sweater