Champion Kobe Bryant Michael Jordan LeBron James shirt, tank top, hoodie


Champion Kobe Bryant Michael Jordan LeBron James shirt

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Jim all I’m saying why did Donald Trump point fingers at us saying Mexico is sending their thugs their worse my dad came over illegally worked in the farm his whole life got ran ovee by a semi and still manages to pay bills. He is just pointing fingers instead of uniting as one and build America together. Ricketts family sure does a good job building a successful baseball team. Its been what, like over 100 years since the Cubs won a World Series. Real winners, lol. MannynVicky Hernandez Illegals aren’t immigrants, they are illegal. And when does it stop? How does letting unlimited amounts of people come here make the country better? Its impossible to get around now due to all the traffic and people. I pity you. Being uneducated is sad. Trump will ruin you and your family. The illiteracy of Americans will continue to rise and your fear of the unknown will continue to blind you. More Americans will end up on the streets n the rich will continue to be richer by fooling you. This is just sad. I pray for you and your fellow blinded american citizens to open your eyes – what goes up must come down. This is life and you can’t argue that! Noora how ignorant, you have no idea about my education or anyone else’s on here for that matter, honestly what are people like you hoping to happen by insulting voters? that they will say “thank you for calling me names I will vote for the candidate you like” and you say I lack education ? Said no intelligent human being ever.. Voting Trump, is like shooting yourself in the foot to get out of deployment, it won’t work and you’ll just be punished for it.. Good luck, though, I hope he loses all his money failing to become POTUS, because it will literally never happen… Derek Evan Kaylor ,,,,,,common sense is Trump for president,,,he is the ONLY one who talks with it and uses it in this race,,,sure if you’ve got money and want to hold on to it,,,rich i mean,,,,and /or you or somebody you know wants to get into the U.S.,well yeah,then you wouldn’t want him,,otherwise he is the one,,,,Trump for common sense!