Bubbles and kitties Trailer Park face mask



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There is no reason to bathe a cat!!! You can strip their body of natural oils that are needed. The only time a cat should be bathed is for some kind of treatment or the cat is covered in mud or something. Cats are naturally clean animals and will groom themselves perfectly fine. If they stop grooming themselves there is an issue like depression or theyre mad.

  • Cats don’t need baths especially such a short hair cat like that you can cause them to get the parvo virus because they cannot warm up after they are chill they have no sweat glands… I say let a cat be a cat and humans be humans.
  • I can’t believe he enjoys a bath so much! And my cat bit me when I tried to cut his nails. No way – not 1 of mine would enjoy a bath like that. Do u bathe him often?
  • While the kitty is cute, I think the reason he’s pawing at the water is because it might be too hot. Why would ANY animal want really hot water for its bath?
  • My cat would fight for his life I do this to him. Hahaha. It’s hard enough to give him a quick shower let alone bathing him like this.
  • My dog will not let me groom him, he’s looking like a small sheep at the moment due to lockdown and not being booked at the grooming parlour. I can’t brush him or wash him, he turns into a complete syco.

Can you guys make some videos of low carb drinks so those of us who have to eat low carb for health reasons can broaden their horizon? I already have like 4-6 different things I make but I always want new alcoholic drinks to try and make from home but I can’t drink like 90% of this pages drinks

All that sugar is so bad for you! Talk about a hangover after 1 drink! Diabetes here you come!