Black Lives Matter Superheroes poster


Black Lives Matter Superheroes poster

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I agree, if BLM wants to be considered a useful group instead of a radical/Anti-American group, have them go to Chicago and help the black on black shootings and killings. The money would be more better for the police and neighborhoods, than wasting our tax dollars on murdering untold babies. The argument that it’s the “only” place women can go for health care and abortions is bs. Anyone ever look up who started this organization who she was what was her agenda to wipe out a certain group of people I learned about her in high school yes read her writings she was purely evil a Real Racist yes. Planned Parenthood is another Soros funded organization cover for his subversive activities. He could care less about PP or BLM, they are the means for reaching his goal, first social then financial chaos, then he and his cohorts take over the US.

Yeah, but that book seems to be about soros and his efforts to fund Catalan Separatists (and it is in Spanish which I have trouble reading)…I was specifically asking about your Planned Parenthood claim which seems outside of the purview of that book.  lots of stuff on Soros, but I don’t know how to give you the reference. There is a hook by Juan Antonio de Castro, “Soros – Rompiendo España” which is excellent and was published recently. Factores de Poder emits a fantastic, and long, video called George Soros y la crisis de 2020. I have a couple more, but all you have to look for is the listing of the 200 charities Soros funds. In the book I recommended, it talks about how Soros’NGOs(?) (in Spanish, ONGs) in Africa foment social discontent, govt. gets overthrown, Soros is now in behind the new govt. and any economic advantage he can get (mineral rights). His ONGs using his boats bring billegal African Immigrants to European shores, usually Spain. The guy has no scruples, is totally Machiavellian, history of his life as a child is interesting too and could be responsible for his desprecio of human life
We get more info here in Spain than in US, program about this on right now. Funny, press in US doesn’t say much about him, or Gates, or the New World Order, etc. but Soros controls a large part of the press in the US, here somewhat, but not the majority.