Anthony Fauci Fuckin’ Told Ya shirt,long sleeve, hoodie



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HowTF anyone can even contemplate supporting the lying F’it and F’all do nothing Trump on COVID is a vote for the virus and no plans then, no plans now and will never have a plan. That will probably be when having lost the election Trump tares his country apart out of sheer spitefulness! Most of the country has already realized this and will vote accordingly if they have not already done so!

  • -“The single biggest threat to man’s continued dominance on the planet is the virus.” -Joshua Lederberg, Nobel laureate in Physiology and Medicine. So, if anyone thinks this will be the last crisis with viruses is sorely mistaken!
  • -Biden follows the science and having the economy grow safely within public safety and health is his goal unlike Trump who simply doesn’t frankly give a crap about the health and public safety of Americans ONLY THE ECONOMY.
  • -Even PM Boris Johnson now has to lockdown England from November 5th to December 2nd because cases are exploding and he waited too long! If it were up to to Fauci and the Democrats they would shut this country down again !! If Biden is elected president he will lock down this country because of covid !! absolutely!

Trump’s incompetence during this pandemic has shown him to be a clear and present danger to the country. VOTE HIM OUT. you are going to have difficulty adjusting to the magnificent progressive era dawning in America. It’s time for you to go back where you came from.

Hospitals been over coding Covid cases for months. That’s fact. There’s lots of flu and cold cases and same with Covid. 99.98% recovery. BS pandemic. And yes my family and I had it. No big deal. Donald Trump’s coronavirus Mommy why does the president laugh at people that wear face masks and my sister died at 5 years old and he makes fun of people that’s why we are Republicans voting Democrat getaway coronavirus.

Trump has no shame, therefore it stands to reason that anybody who supports him has no shame! For whatever reason, they have consciously chosen to abandoned their self-esteem the day will come when most of them will regret their blind support for this con-man.

Anthony Fauci Fuckin’ Told Ya shirt,long sleeve, hoodie