Hot Cat that’s what I do I read books I drink cocktails and I know things poster


Previously, until the early 20s the word “cocktail” was often used for drinks mixed with spirits (alcohol from cereal or distilled fruit). However, this definition is outdated. You can find cocktails with many variations, not only mixed with brandy but also with wine, beer … Even some completely non-alcoholic drinks are included in the cocktail list for example. Virgin Colada.
Divided into 2 large groups before meals – and after meals. Before meal often drink types of Aperitif (Appetizer) by shooter. These cocktails have a high alcohol content, stimulate appetite, absolutely not sweet and not fat. After-meal cocktails are often very fragrant, containing herbs or milkshakes. In addition, there are some cocktails used in the middle of the party that will refresh the drinker and stimulate the taste.
In fact, there are more than 10,000 different cocktail recipes, requiring a certain level of expertise. However, there are some relatively simple recipes that readers can completely prepare for family meals. Even connoisseurs can prepare cocktails according to their own preferences arbitrarily so that they can drink them.
The taste and strength of cocktails are divided into 5 levels. How to mix these cocktails is divided into 4 types: shake, stir, build, blend. Corresponding to it are tools: shaker, mixing glass, glass, blender.
Cat that's what I do I read books I drink cocktails poster3
Cat that’s what I do I read books I drink cocktails poster3