Merry xmas skulls short sleeve shirt and hawaiian shirt


LJ Keeley Merry xmas skulls hawaiian shirt Some of these comments are just ignorant. You can care about people in other countries while STILL caring about the people in the country you’re in. So sick and tired of this “me first” attitude. We are all neighbours and without thinking of others before ourselves, we continue to make this a horribly selfish society.. So fly home Punjabi people!!! It will turn into demands to bring even more Punjabi people to Chinada. Good luck to us all!. Very sad how . Dwayne Lychak. Supporting Indian farmer protests while cheer leading police going after local anti lock down protest organizers here in Canada is beyond hypocritical!. Not our problem. And we dont need your countries wars in my country.. I am a middleman I want my 8.5 % commission. Please support the middleman and oppose farm Bill. Not many masks. Roopa Sidhu #FarmersProtest #isupportfarmers. Canadians should be extremely concerned about land grabs across Canada of rich farmland scooped up for development

Merry xmas skulls short sleeve shirt and hawaiian shirt

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Go help then. Protesting here will do exactly nothing. Would worry about them not wearing masks!. I completely defend the rights of Indian Farmers to protest.. Protests? What about pandemic? Crazy.. Why is this being protested here. Confused. Well maybe ya all should fly home and help them protesting here does no good. Global news never covered the farmers being killed in South Africa. Why are they protesting in Canada and inconvieneving Canadians? If they are so concerned and want change then go to India and protest there. India is a sovereign nation and Canada cannot tell them what to do.. #supportfarmers. Lane Cooper. This shouldn’t be surprising coming from a country that has 9 million modern day slaves, from the caste system and debt bondage?. Hope on a fight home. Nothing Canada can do . Hello. Not our problem let India govern itself. If you want to meddle or get involved than move back there. Merry xmas skulls hawaiian shirt

Merry xmas skulls short sleeve shirt and hawaiian shirt

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Good riddance
Make sure you stay there. Canada should not release her except in a prisoner exchange for the two Michaels. China cannot be trusted so a third party is needed for the exchange.
Also, she should be persona non grata in Canada and given 6 months to dispose of her assets here.. Give us our citizens back. Bring back manufacturing from China and kick out their diplomats and students.. Derin Carson
Well the states and the orange man sure played Canada like a fiddle.. Taufiq S
We need to end these autocratic drama if we want nations like China to do the same; the idea that we can imprison executives or assassinate nuclear scientists will have lasting precedence for other nations to do the exact same and then utter this defen… See More. I hope the 2 Michaels are part of the deal??????? Tell me the Libtards are negotiating for their freedom in the deal?

The sooner the better; we need to get the two Michaels back, and then we need to lose our overly cozy relationship with China. Maybe the U.S. could wait until she’s been convicted and extradited to the U.S. before making deals, unless that deal involves getting our Michaels back!. She is a thief who should be jailed.. Blame CornPop.
Pause GIF. Does that mean we get our two Michaels back?. Has the value of her bigger mansion gone up?. I am sick of Canada being forced to do the dirty work for the USA!. China invested in Iran, and USA invested in Saudi Arabia. Both are islamic dictator countries. Saudi Arabia is even a member of UN’s Human Right Council.. Don’t let the high ranking CCP member go until the kidnapped Canadians are released and compensation is paid.. We were hoping to have real news
Where the media comes out and says

Well if she talks and goes back, she knows……she may just simply disappear….. She should be in a cell like our citizens in China.. USA, that means Trump, is working on a deal for the Chinese lady, well, she is his hostage so maybe he is train to use her to get asylum without extradition in China.. Admitting some of those claims is billions of dollars of loss. Her admitting to stealing tech? Never gonna happen.. We were the stupid one’s that are holding her . let her go , Trudeau’s bud’s laughed at little potato and cancelled his deal with them for our magic virus cure vaccine .. Well if she didn’t commit these crime and Canadian boarder officers obviously violated her rights……now trying to act like they did nothing wrong isn’t going to be so easy…….Huawei and Meng will soon file counter suits to seek compensation for a… See More