Dear santa it’s been hard to be good mug


Dont give him the power to deny or voice his opinion as it is nit productive in making USA great again.. You fact checkers are the ones that have it wrong. Liberals never know the truth.. To bad you wouldn’t spend more time on the important things like saving lives instead of fighting for something you can’t change omg so sick of this so call of a man. There is wide spread fraud in the US. The Globalist media machine refuses to acknowledge it.. As long as funds received he will constantly claim voter fraud! Time for no more funding Americans. His government needs to come to the front and move him to accepting he lost!. I wouldn’t trust what Trump says if he told me rain was wet. so basically it’s all his usual propaganda and garbage and not even worth the 2 minutes to fast forward through…. Donna Shepherd Dear santa it’s been hard to be good mug

Dear santa it’s been hard to be good mug

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When I told folks he’ll not attend Biden’s inauguration, they thought I was joking. One guy even told me he can’t be that callous to do that. I told him to watch and see. And I was right. He won’t be attending Joe Biden”s inauguration.. The path to President Trumps victory Dear santa it’s been hard to be good mug Trumps lead evaporates with mail in ballots.. Love the preemptive pardon for his family. Just goes to show how crooked the whole family is.. Why do we even have news outlets anymore? It’s the same three biased left wing articles every day. Either about Trump (orange man bad and so are all republicans), COVID-19(do as we say, not as we do), or a bunch of people died from a shooting or terror… See More. He really is insane and has no filters to the garbage he spews.. I think he just like listening to himself whining and chirping to who every wants to listen ! It would be even better if the media didn’t show up for his side show !

Dear santa it’s been hard to be good mug

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Its actually really cool seeing a political figure exercising his democratic rights and fighting for what he believes in.. Someone needs to fact check Global. Global doesn’t report the news, they report their opinions.. The only reason I follow Global is to keep up with the lies circulated online. Gees thanks for always telling me what to think, rather than just saying the news. You’re kinda like propaganda.. Does he not have a country to run till January?. You’re wrong global. Can’t wait to see the deep state systematically destroyed. The same people who:. So now Global News is above the hearings, justice procedures and soon will fact check the supreme court I suppose ?
Wow thanks for shipping us the absolute truth . At this point he is just trying to raise money , always the grifter. Bradley A Bennett. He is so brave…. and strong,,,, I can only hope that When my world is falling apart, people are dying all around, and all hope is gone, that I can muster the inner strength to go golfing and ignore my responsibilities, while my tax payer funded

I FACT CHECKED GLOBAL,. I don’t know that I really need fact checks on Trump at this point. He has established that other than a cheeseburger, the threat of his lies leaking out of the corners of his mouth, or the threat of having to swallow them down thereby causing him to … See More. You don’t have to be smart to con people, just smarter than the people you are conning and Trump supporters with their bogus or factless rebuttals prove that daily.. Old news……he has never been honest. He is such an embarrassment for that poor country.. I will say one thing. Where there is smoke, there is fire. The rumours about the leftist biased Global News are true.. Global changing the subject again to avoid the WE scandal and other Trudeau BS. There is massive overwhelming evidence of US election fraud. Common sense people know and understand this concept and want answers.

Erin Smith-Stahl
It’ll be less than that too once the staff get COVID and will have to isolate themselves, hindering production. Wait for it.. They will continue to cut production until a competitor brings something better to market, that keeps the value high. This is what you get when you go to the market to provide a life saving product, market tactics.. Oh well it’s coming patience’s
The more you freak out about it the sooner you get a stress related illness. Can’t say I’m surprised, it seems there’s always a shortage of Epipens they manufacture as well!. They are sure pushing it. Money and control , they don’t give a darn about the citizens except at tax time. That is okay they can keep their poison. “I won’t put that in my body it’s bad for you”. Says a smoker while they’re drinking a coke and eating fast food.. Hasn’t been approved yet by Health Canada, has it?? and not enough testing….too fast….