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It’s also important to acknowledge that anxiety and panic attacks can have PHYSICAL biochemical causes. Poor diet, malnutrition, high sugar and carbs, poor digestion, gut disease , vitamin deficiency, inflammatory health conditions can all cause panic attacks. Anyone suffering should be tested for deficiency in b12, iron, folate and vitamin D. It’s very common…b12 deficiency affects ONE in TEN people! It’s curable with injections.. Initially I would think I was about to die, then after having like 3-4 more I got the epiphany that I’d been through it before & didn’t die so I’m gonna just let it run its course.. I have a feeling that people who are overly sensitive are the ones more prone to panic attacks.. I was getting panic attacks because I was highly sensitive to the EMF radiation that is emitted by wifi, cell phones and towers, my smart meter, and power lines. I had some EMF remediating devices installed in my home a couple of years ago and haven’t … See More

Black Cat your butt napkins my lady poster

Black Cat your butt napkins my lady poster A1

The red hat they wear. what about an independent non denominational network free platform for inspiring speakers of faith. with no financial incentives and no binding beliefs it can hardly be a cult but a platform for leaders of modern thought promoting new faith base love.… See More. A cult makes you repeat words like Covid-Normal, which is meaningless, inverted or oxymoronical. The cult of personality is what has the USA in the problem it finds itself in now with Trump.. As soon as someone is willing to accept someone else’s unverifiable word over their own intuition.. This phenomenon is rife in martial arts circles.. This is how they sell Crossfit . The difference between a cult and a religion is the number of subscribers.. “I’ve been involved in a number of cults. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader.”. When you don’t trust your self enough to live your life, you sell your freedom to others to guide you through life.

Black Cat your butt napkins my lady poster

Black Cat your butt napkins my lady poster A2

Because they want companionship and comradely. The lack of being alone. This probably speaks more to people now than in more recent history.. Extremely relevant in these times. Seems like cults are forming on all sides right now. I guess extinction pressure reverts people towards tribalism. If only we could see it for what it is, maybe divisiveness wouldn’t have to be the death-nail in our c… See More. Just lost souls looking for someone to confirm their existance. Sadly what they choose to follow sometimes eats them alive.. 30-40% of the population have mental health problems and many are incompetent. Show them that they belong and a little love, and, they can be easily manipulated.. Freedom of your own thought processes, words and actions.. When a person thinks a single human holds all the answers they become susceptible.. It’s friendships with a common interest.. Because Humans are essentially tribal. Tribe makes people secure, it’s an evolutionary trait. People find other people based upon their level of intellect, wavelength and thought patterns.

Black Cat your butt napkins my lady poster A3

To watch such a level of insensitivity by sensitive towards others and especially towards women is strange.. Guys, just because someone speaks out about abuse of women online doesn’t mean that nobody else is affected by it. She’s talking about her own experiences and it’s from a female perspective.. Great talk. It’s great to see strong influential women using their image and will to engage in such agenda. And it’s really hard. Unfortunately I feel we’re still very far from a less misogynistic society, but I deeply admire everyone who fights for it… See More. The comments from men are disappointing. We know your mommy’s didn’t love you enough but therapy is always a viable option.. Sadly! There’s no real life repercussions Thats why. You should be kind, fair and decent no matter what repercussions there are. Sometimes it’s just idle talk but on a deeper level. It reveals what lies in the hearts of people. And it’s not love. We sh… See More

Sacrificing the earth for paradise is giving up the substance for the shadow.-Victor Hugo. They have evil thoughts and do not trust themselves to police their own behavior so they give their power to someone who is charismatic or confidence but their intention are not pure or good so they choose someone who allows them to sin. Think about it… See More. As they say on that show The Vow,. Looks like I arrived late to the party of people trying to say that being held accountable for being a crap person is the same thing as being on the receiving end of irrational hostility from a cult.. Best ask Trump, he’s leading the biggest cult out there. They don’t know they’re joining a cult.. Vulnerability and the innate, very human need to belong.. So what’s the difference between a tight-knit group … and a cult?. A cult has a person at the top who knows the whole thing is a sham.